He looked up with his pen poised over the check. “You will.”
I snorted. “I willnot.”
His power rumbled through the pack bond again, but this wasn’t a question of following orders, or doing as I was told. This was him trying to take something that belonged to me. Sure, he’d offered to pay for it, but now that I’d signed the papers, The Neon was half mine. I wasn’t going to give that up. It was my territory. My claim to it was primal now.
“Yes,” he said, standing up. “You will. You will take this check and send me the paperwork tomorrow with everything signed over in Ronnie’s name. I want peace in my pack, and this will get it for me.”
“I don’t care what you want, I’m not selling you any of my shares. An alpha has no right to strip me of the things I own. Not if I haven’t broken pack law. You can’t force me.”
He snarled. “You would make war in my pack just to hold onto something you never wanted in the first place?”
“I’ve always loved The Neon.” I shrugged. “Who said I didn’t want the shares?”
“Sell them to me, Evie,” he said, trying a more pleading tone of voice. “Sell them to me and I’ll let you leave town.”
I flinched. I wanted my freedom, but could I really sell him my shares and just run. Especially now that I knew the witches were out to kill the wolves of Cape Luna?
“No,” I said. “I’m not interested in leaving anyway. I have a house, roots. I have everything I need now.”
“Everything you need.” He laughed. “Is that so?”
“Speaking of,” I said sitting forward on the seat, leaning my elbows on my knees. “Where is Annie’s truck. Where did you put it after the accident? She left it to me in her will. I’d like to get it appraised.”
“It was totaled. I sold it off to one of the scrap yards outside of town.” He shrugged sitting back down.
I nodded making a mental note to start there when Jamie and I met again to start our investigation. “Do you need anything else from me?”
“No, you can go.” He waved a dismissive hand. “But I want an update on your hunt for the supposed witch who created those things in the woods.”
“Of course.” I gave him a curt nod and shot to my feet, darting for the door.
Jamie. I had to see Jamie. I made it to the hall before another figure brought me up short. I gasped. “Maria, wow. You scared me. Hi.”
“Hi.” She laughed. “Where are you going?”
“To see Jamie, in the med tent,” I said.
Her eyebrows drew together. “He’s already gone home. Hamish took one look at him and said he was fine. Just a few bruised ribs, I think. Should be good as new in a few hours.”
My entire body sagged with relief. “Oh, thank god.”
“I could kill him for dragging you out there last night. I mean he’s always had a death wish, but to drag you into it to. You’d think he was trying to send you out there like he sent Avery.” She shook her head and started for the door at the front of the house. “Come on. I’ll drive you home.”
I didn’t move. “He wasn’t responsible for Avery’s death.”
“What?” She asked, stepping out on the front porch.
I caught up to her, my anger beginning to boil. How could she say that? “He didn’t kill Avery, and he certainly wasn’t the one who got me into trouble last night,” I said. “It was me. It was my idea.”
“What?” She asked, glancing sideways at me.
“I came up with the plan, he just helped me do it. Jamie isn’t the one with a death wish.”
“Wow.” She laughed. “Things really have changed for you two. I thought I might be seeing things in the ravine, but no. You actually like him, don’t you?”
“What…I…No…I don’t know.” I knew I probably should’ve denied it. I should’ve told her I didn’t like him, but I didn’t like lying to Maria either. Even after all these years she was still my best friend.
“You do. Holy shit, wait, does he like you?” She smacked me in the shoulder, forcing me to stagger sideways. She pulled me back to her side, elbowing me playfully in the ribs. “Come on, you can tell me.”