My feet swayed, I was Alpha, and I was seconds from passing out, but there was one more thing I had to do. Padding past Jamie, I touched him on the shoulder, indicating that he should rise, and moved my way to where Zach and Dillon both held Ronnie down on her knees by the fire.
“Stand,” I said, my voice so raw I barely recognized it.
The boys lifted her to her feet, and sure enough a faux silver chain glinted in the moonlight as it dangled around her neck. Reaching forward, I plucked the chain from her skin, and traced my fingers down until they closed around the black crystal it carried.
“This belongs to me,” I said, feeling Selene’s power burning against my palm. “As does The Neon. Gregor will work out the paperwork with you. But I cannot have you in this pack. I cannot have you in our home. You have forty-eight hours to pack your things and leave. Veronica Bishop. You have no rights to my father’s name. You have no rights to his pack. You are here by banished from Cape Luna. You may keep in contact with your son, but you will not set foot in our territory again. If you do, your life will be forfeit. Do you understand.”
Ronnie’s eyes narrowed. “This isn’t over.”
“Yes it is.” I shook my head, and looked up at Zach who’s eyes were distant, but alert. “Take her back to the house. Be sure she starts packing, and do not leave her unattended.”
He gave me a respectful nod and he and Dillon began towing her away from the altar.
“The rest of you may go. Return home. Embrace the ones you love, and know that my power, weird and strange as it may be, is now your power. We face the future together. As a family.”
A cheer broke out and the gathering disbursed around me. I felt Jamie’s warm presence at my back, and he whispered just low enough for me to hear. “Rousing speech, Snow. But you do know you just gave it standing bare naked in front of the entire pack, right?”
I laughed and leaned back into him. “I’m too tired to care.”
“Ah, well, let me be of service than, Alpha.” Bending down, he swept my legs up from under me, and cradled me against his chest.
“Smooth,” I said, laying my head on his shoulder.
His chest rumbled with laughter. “Where to?”
“Take me home. All I want to do right now, is fall asleep in your arms, and wake up there too. Just one day of peace.”
Jamie squeezed me tight. “As you wish.”