Page 56 of Raiding Road

As Knox joins him, I run to the window to see what the hell is happening,Roman, baby. Talk to me, what's happening in there?

“There’s a block on our mate link, I can’t hear him,” I tell Knix and Knox as they both try breaking the glass on the windows. It’s like they’re made of some shatterproof material.

“This is the exact same thing that happened during the fire,” Knix says, “nothing will break through this barrier.”

“Can’t you teleport?!” I scream at her, the ruckus from inside growing louder and louder by the second.

“I’ve never been able to do it; half breed, remember?”

“You and your brother can do it if you combine your powers. In New Orleans, there’s loads of half breeds, and they are fucking brilliant,” Blow shouts, pulling Knix and Knox closer, “Hold hands while Jaz and I hold on to you, then push your power, use each other as conductor.”

The twins follow his instructions, holding hands as me and Blow grab their shoulders.

My vertigo tips to the side and it feels like someone stuffed cotton in my head, but the moment I open my eyes, I drop to the floor, dragging everyone with me.

Case’s giant ass body slams into the wall behind us, making the wall and wood break and crumble around him. He stands back up, snarling, his golden wolf surrounding him in its brilliant luminescence.

“Where’s Roman?!” I scream, spinning around and searching the wreckage that was once a living room, I find Roman and Atticus fighting two Dark Bloods.

“So nice of you two to join us,” Sara says from the opposite side of the room, “and you brought more bodies for me.”

The moment she says those words, giant black moths swarm and attack Knix, Knox, and Blow.

We try fighting them off, but there are too many. No sooner than they attacked, they fall to the floor dead, but the K twins and Blow turn on us, their skin and eyes turning completely black and scaly.

“Dark Bloods,” I gasp just before they charge us together.