Page 54 of Raiding Road

Chapter twenty-four

‘Outlaws’ Valley of Wolves


We leave Aster’s house with the promise of returning to learn more from her. She seems to have more knowledge than anyone else and the fact that she knows more than us is a little bit upsetting.

“How is it that a Fairy knows more about our history than us?” I question no one in particular.

“Fairies love knowledge, she probably knows more about every species than they know themselves.” Atticus says while he crushes the dried flowers in his palms and drops the dust into the little mixing bowl Zatrina holds out for him.

Roman paces back and forth in front of Aster’s door, muttering words of anger at not knowing he was a part of something as huge as a Prophecy.You and me both, bud.

We’re about to head back to the school grounds but we’re waiting on my sister to get everything ready for the potion. It’s a little odd seeing a Werewolf create something magical outside of her wolf’s power. I have so many damn questions, it’s hard to keep up with myself, but I push the curiosity to the back of my mind and focus on what's happening now.

“Knix has been doing a shit ton of research—”

“That none has helped,” Atticus cuts me off.

I throw a rock at him that skids his head from the side, making his hair fly up and over. All of us, but him of course, start cracking up. Ancients, I can’t stop the laughter that turns to howls when he slowly turns to me. The glare in his eyes has my stomach cramping with how hilarious he looks.

“Okay,” I start when we get our laughter under control, “you’re right, but in her defense, we haven’t really had the time to put her findings to use.”

“Jaz is right, we just need to take care of one thing at a time though. First, Sara. Then, we get Knix to find out as much as she can on this Prophecy. Hopefully with what she finds, we’ll be able to stop these fucking Dark Bloods. She did say she could get in contact with the Raven sisters—k,”

“Crow sisters, goon.” I say with a fake cough.

“Crowsisters, whatever.” Roman rolls his eyes.

“And they could do what?” Atticus asks with his brow cocked.

“They’re the ones who defeated Merelda Hound. She used something similar to what we’re dealing with, a Dark Blood spell. They could have useful information on how to defeat this disease.”

Zatrina finishes her mixing and pours the flower grounds into a little vial before scooping up a tulip that has collected dew in its little cup. She pours the small amount of water into the vial and shakes it. I watch with amazement as the liquid turns from dirty looking water to a bright orange color.

“How do you know magic?” I ask her as the guys watch her tuck the vial into her boot.

“It’s rudimentary potion work that anyone, even humans, can do. I learned it in the Nola Pack. It's practically mandatory to learn it, after all, New Orleans is the home of voodoo and Witchcraft. Most important part of all, is your intent. That's what makes or breaks the magic in the potion.”

That seems logical. People don't realize just how powerful their thoughts can be. I mean, Angels and Demons depend solely on the thoughts of humans in order to accomplish their agendas. That should tell you just how powerful our minds are. Add in some hocus pocus and you got yourself a super fly spell casting machine. Our thoughts are the beginning of all things in our lives. They can hinder us or help us in life.

"Let’s do this damn thing," Roman rolls his neck, popping it loudly, "Atticus, call Case and let him know the plan, make sure he's far enough away from Sara's house, we don't need her using her powers to hear your words."

Atticus takes out his phone as we all begin to walk back to the Cutthroat compound. This is it. Hopefully, we're able to kill two bitches with one stone tonight. Get the truth about Sara and find out if she's working with the Dark Bloods. If she is, we'll be able to get more information from her with this snazzy potion.

"What will you do if we learn Sara is working with the Dark Bloods?" Zatrina asks as if she's read my mind.

"She will die." Both roman and Atticus say in unison.

The finality in their words rings loudly and it sends a chill down my spine. As much as she deserves the kind of justice these Alphas will give, I feel like there needs to be some sort of trial. After all, she grew up with this pack, her loyalty was born with them. She may be thinking she's doing something to protect the ones she calls family. I know the spot she's in well.

Just as we reach the road Sara's home is on, I stop and turn to Roman while Atticus speaks into his phone, "I think it would be wise if we took our time with this. Killing her doesn't have to be the outcome. Zat was under their control, her choices were not her own, perhaps this is what's happening with Sara as well. Besides, you watched this girl grow into the woman she is today. You don't want to see her father's face every day knowing his daughter's blood in on your hands, justified or not."

Roman growls, his teeth elongating with drips of venom, “Sara didn't just do this to you, Jaz. She did it to my entire pack. Her actions, if she did this, are a bitch-slap to my authority and if you think for one second that I will let that go...well darlin' you've got a lot to learn about Cutthroat."

I hear him, and I completely understand him, but I can't just let this man spill the blood of someone who may not even be in control of her own fucking choices.

"And if she's under the control of the Dark Bloods?"