Page 40 of Raiding Road

"Your twin sister," Roman says with a faraway look.

"Don't get any bright ideas, Roam. She may look like me but she's not me." My voice is low, a warning woven through each word.

Roman's eyes glow, his anger burning brightly in them, "This is the second time you've question or insinuated that my honor is lacking," He sits forward, the water running in rivulets down his chest as his torso rising above the water level, "so let me be perfectly clear; I am a man of loyalty, honor, and respect. Without those, I am less than a man and even less of an Alpha. I am a one-woman kind of man. Even before you the only woman I allowed to care for my needs was Loanie."

I scoff at her name, but I feel my shoulders relax with everything he's said. Maybe it's because I didn't truly have something that truly belonged to me, a home, a pack, a family. So, when I feel like my place at Roman's side is compromised even in the slightest way, I bite. And this little wolf ain't got baby teeth. But I realize that this harsh possessiveness is a bit much, even for me.

"Okay, you're right. I haven't seen you do one thing that deserves that sort of distrust. but fair warning, this shit is new, these feelings are new, and this bitch is a jealous one. If ever get a whiff of that Cavernous Pussy on you, I will beat the living shit out of her."

Roman tips his head back and lets out a big laugh, the rumble of his power rolls over me with the sound and instantly I have to calm my libido down. He has such a rich laugh and I know that from this day forward, I will seek every opportunity to hear that sound.

I've had a lot in this life of mine. I've had friends, adoptive family and a pack that I loved, but none of them ever felt the way I feel here and now. None of it made me feel whole and renewed. I gave my loyalty to Raider Pack, my blood sweat, and tears were poured into it, but being here, in Cutthroat MC, I'm starting to realize that the Raiders were never mine. Never meant for me. Like two opposing magnets, they look and act as though they fit but you have to force them together. With Cutthroat, I don't have to force myself to blend. I don't have to act obedient and submissive; I don't have to hide my power and strength.

"Tell me about Cutthroat," I tell Roman once his laughter dies down, "how did you and your brothers start it? I mean, aren't Alpha's territorial, how can you three lead side-by-side without tearing each other apart?"

Honestly, that's been on my mind since the motel. I grew up hearing about the True Alphas, how they were the only Alphas able to co-exist peacefully, but when I asked how that could be, no one had an answer.

"When Atticus, Case and I were pups, we grew up in our home pack. Like you, we were just babes when we were found. We were born under the Blue Moon many centuries ago,"

"Dammmn, how do you still get it up?" I slap a hand over my mouth as my eyes blow wide.

Damn, my no filtered mouth!

Roman glides through the water, lifting me up and planting me on his lap, his hard length pressing against my lower back as he turns us to face the full moon outside the window. The tops of the trees in the surrounding woods dance with the wind as the moon glows behind them; a sensual dance, the branches moving and swaying as if they're showing their irrevocable love for each other and the lunar shining on them.

"If you interrupt me again, little wolf, I'll fill your mouth with my cock as I finish telling my tale," His words are sharp, but his eyes hold nothing but mirth.

I make a show of zipping my lips before turning back to the view outside the window.

"Even before our wolves emerged, the leaders of our childhood pack knew our power was stronger than any other wolves and could potentially be more powerful than the Alpha. They suspected that we'd end up killing each other when our wolves emerged since we are not blood related." I nod my head knowing that Alpha's have a difficult time not challenging one another when they're not related.

For example, an Alpha can have a son who has equal or more power than himself, but the need to challenge is not as threatening as it would be if it were a male of another bloodline. This just makes Roman, Case, and Atticus that much more of an anomaly. They may call each other brothers, as bikers do, but they are not true brothers. The fact that they haven’t killed one another is only by the grace of the Ancients.

“So, what happened when you all had your first shift?”

Roman continues telling me the origin of his story, but my mind is off on a tangent, wandering to the pulsing cock between his legs. I try to steady my breathing, not wanting him to know how affected I am and that I'm not totally focused on his storytelling. I’ve never been more grateful to be in a tub filled with water, despite how tepid it’s becoming, because I know he can’t smell my desire.

“We decided to create our own pack, bringing in anyone who was exiled or rejected. Their race didn’t matter when joining the Cutthroats. The MC side is for those strong enough, for our men of war and battle, the wolf pack side is for everyone.”

“Mhm,” I nod my head, trying my damndest to hear his words but in all honesty, he could be telling me about a childhood pet for all the attention I’m able to give his words.

His scent of rain and wind sends my head into a spin when he spins me around to face him, my thighs straddling his waist. I let out an involuntary moan when his delicious cock presses against my fluttering clit.

“You haven’t been hearing a single word I’ve said have you, little wolf?”

I lean forward, resting my hands on the edge of the tub behind him, and lift myself off his lap. My pussy rubs all the up to the tip of his dick eliciting a sinful moan from the MC devil before me.

“I heard all I needed. It’s a no wonder the Ancients brought us together, Roman Cut; honor walks hand in hand with loyalty.”

Then I slide down on his fat cock, riding him until the moon leaves and the nightly songs of the insects dies down.

This is where I belong, here with Roman. Here with my family. Here with motherfucking Cutthroat.