Page 18 of Raiding Road

Chapter seven

‘Hang ‘em High’ Nick Nolan


Oh. My. Claws!The swarm of killer hornets in my tummy are going crazy. I can’t believe I just did that but what the hell, man?! The whole damn ride had me not only enjoying the view but also the hard ridge in Roman’s pants. I swear, the guy has a fucking rod. Not flesh but steel. I can't count how many times I had to pinch the shit out of my thigh just to get my mind off itandhim. It backfired through; the sting of pain only added to my raging libido.The horny bitch.

We pull off the highway to a rest area about halfway through our trip to Colorado, but Roman doesn’t get off the bike, which means I can’t either, not unless I want to look like a fool when I can’t swing my leg over the tall handlebars.

I turn to look over my shoulder at him, my eyebrows raised in question, but his eyes are on the forest surrounding the open picnic area and public restroom. The wall on the square building has graffiti on it with words I can make out but the image of the wolf the men have on their cuts, is unmistakable.

Rumbling from Roman’s chest has my attention returning to him, “What’s wrong?”

My question is whispered while my eyes scan the area, looking for threats or whatever has this Alpha tensing at my back. The sun is hanging midway to noon, still on the east, casting long dark shadows in the woods but the silhouette of two wolves is hard to miss when they’re as large and unnaturally black. They’re darker than the shadows and their eyes are like pits of tar. Nothing but two black masses with pointed ears and gleaming white fangs.

Roman climbs off the bike like the predatory Alpha he is, his silver eyes glowing green as he partially shifts, teeth long and razor-sharp claws ripping through his nails. His muscles shred his shirt as he bulks up, but he doesn’t fully shift into his wolf.

I stagger back when he turns to me, the soft teal smoke surrounding him is like a translucent outline of his wolf. I’ve never seen anything like it, he’s man and wolf at the same time, not one taking over the other, but two parts becoming one.

“Get in the truck, now.” His dual voice rolls over me, electrifying my blood and creates a maelstrom of emotions that rush through me so fast I feel dizzy. It's as though I’m standing in front of the Ancients.

“Yes Alpha,” I tell him before climbing off the motorcycle.

As I rush for the truck, my feet stagger when Case and Atticus walk toward Roman. They too have the same outline of their wolves only their colors are different.

Case’s is yellow like melted gold and Atticus’ is red and black like fire.

I stop my feet and watch them pass me, standing side by side with Roman as they wait for the dark wolves to emerge. Wait, dark wolves…

“Get in the truck, Jaz.” Jones tells me as he aims his sniper rifle at the two figures in the woods.

“I can’t! Those aren’t wolves,” I don’t get to finish my sentence because the two figures come rushing out of the woods, their mouths open unnaturally wide and twisted in such a grotesque way that my stomach drops with dread. The high pitch keen sound they emit makes Jones drop to the floor in paralyzing pain, blood dripping from his ears as his rifle clatters to the pavement.

I quickly drop down to his side, covering his ears with my own hands but there's nothing more I can do for him. What the hell are these creatures? Why doesn’t their screeching howls hurt me in the way it hurt Jones. The Alphas!

I look up to the last place I saw the brothers standing but they’re not there. I can hear snarling and feel the shaking of the ground as a fight commences, but I can’t see around the truck without removing my hands from Jones’ head. Thinking quickly, I let him go and rip my crop top off before tying it around the Prospect’s head then placing his hands back over his ears.

“Get...out...of here, Jaz.” Jones’ painful voice reaches my ears seconds before the roar of one of the brothers makes the windows of the truck shatter with a loud pop. I drape myself over Jones as pieces of glass rain down on us.

I lean back up and hold my hand up, palm facing him, “Stay here.”

I jump up and reach into the truck, grabbing both of my sword handles before charging for the fight in the field. The three Alphas fight in tandem, striking together before striking alone. Their moves are like choreographed moves. Smooth and perfect like the synchronicity of three guitarists in a fast-paced rift. Fucking beautiful.

But the black beasts have yet to be taken down. Their stamina is otherworldly and that’s coming from someone who can sprint for hours.

Running straight into the fray, I slide along the grass on my knees, the morning dew still clinging to the blades of the greenery, and pass between Case and Roman before passing between the black monsters. Holding my swords outward, I slice through the front knees of both beasts before jumping to my feet and spinning. My right blade cuts the left hind leg clean off one the one to my right.

As if it isn’t bleeding out with the loss of its fucking leg, the grotesque creature turns and lunges at me. I twist to the side at the last minute, swinging my right blade in a downward arch, cutting the head off the animal.

I don’t wait around in shock like any sane person would, I just turn and ready myself for the next motherfucker, but the second beast is dead at Roman’s feet.

Chests heaving, the three MC royals stare at me with a mix of emotions on their faces. Atticus looks like he’s bored as hell with his impassive face, Case looks like I’ve grown a second head, and Roman looks like he’s ready to kill me.

“I told you to get in the truck,” He snaps as he kicks the body away from him, “You disobeyed me, woman.”

This asshole!

“I think what you meant to say was, thanks for the save, little wolf.” I lower my voice, trying my best to imitate him so he’ll learn how to properly thank someone who just fought side by side with him.