Page 16 of Raiding Road

Chapter six

‘Jet Black Hearse’ Danny Farrant


Roman let me take some clothes from my bag before taking it with him. I wanted nothing more than to ram my foot up his ass but if he really is one of the True Alphas, I need to play nice and show him I can be trusted. It stings that my word isn’t taken at face value but anyone with brains would do the same.

Memories of how my actions as of late show me to be anything but honorable. Starting with trying to murder Alpha Cree. I hiss at the painful thought trying to resurface and kill me with regret. Regret that it had to be done and that I was the one who had to do it.

Surprisingly, my wolf doesn’t have a mournful sound for the memories, she does however have a shit ton of growls for me over my actions toward Roman. God, what is it that makes her so damn loyal to him? He’s a brute and an asshole...who kisses like it’s his job to render me stupid and melt the clothes right off me. His lips, God, they have me addicted and craving more.

I almost got a little taste, a fix for my fiending ass, but just when I thought he’d give me a taste, he pulled back like I stabbed him.

“Ugh,” I stand from the bed and rush to the restroom, “enough thinking about that man.”

I look in the mirror and grimace at the image that looks back at me. My short hair which I always style into a bedhead look, actually looks like I rolled around in the bed, headfirst. It sticks up at odd angles and makes me look like I stuck my finger in an outlet. My shoulder is sore from being cuffed above my head all night. Prick. I think a shower is what I need.

Dropping my clothes on the bed, I grab the small tube of toothpaste from the package and turn on the shower head before stripping from my clothes. When the steam fills the room, I jump in and sigh and roll my shoulders, letting the water beat against my muscles. I scrub my hair using every drop from the tiny shampoo bottle then brush my teeth with my finger.

I finish rinsing my hair and shut off the water, I would love to just lay on the floor of the tub and sleep under the hot spray but I’m sure Mr. Bossy is ready to drag me out before I ruin his precious schedule. If I’m honest though, I would love to see him barge in here while I’m naked. One hundred bucks he’d forget what he came for. Now, I’m not conceited or anything. I mean, I know I’m pretty, I have confidence in my looks and my skills but that’s not why I think he’d go from ranting to panting. There’s something going on between us. Something that makes our wolves surge to the surface every time the tension is high. That’s not normal. Insta love? Yuck, no, I think it’s the Ancients helping me save my pack.

Pulling on my black ripped skinny jeans, sports bra and a loose Lynyrd Skynyrd crop top, I feel like myself again. Though I’m not part of a pack at the moment, still technically a lone wolf, I feel much better being around these three wolves,especially Roman.If they really are the True Alphas, and I suspect they are, then I’ll do more than my best to be a part of their pack.

I don’t have one anymore. Even if I were to save my people, I would never be able to rejoin them. My actions, no matter the noble reason, will always be seen as treacherous. I’ll always be an Alpha killer to them. At least with the Cutthroat MC I’ll be able to live as me again. Do something fucking useful to end the Dark Bloods.

“Come on, little wolf!” Roman yells through the door. I’m sure joining their pack will definitely come with jaw grinding inconveniences, but it is what it is.

Grunting in annoyance, I shove my feet into my combat boot and buckle them before snatching my leather jacket. Everything I own is in the bag Roman took from me, so I don’t bother looking around the room.

When I step outside, I can see the sun rising beautifully. The orange and pink rays dance along the clouds like a painting in motion. I’ll never tire of nature, it’s a poet on its own, delivering odes to the creatures and serenading us all with its beauty.

The rumble of bikes pulls my attention from the sky and that’s when I see my Frankenstein bike loaded on the back of a truck. I grind my teeth and will my voice to come out complacent rather than irritated.

“I would like to ride, myself...Alpha.” I say as sweet as possible, but I don’t think Roman bought it. Neither do the other guys since they all laugh.Fucking jerks.I hear my wolf growl at them. The rumble vibrates my chest as I narrow my eyes on them.

“Your bike has no fuel,” Roman begins to say but Gold speaks over him.

“That junky ass bike will not be riding alongside us. You’re lucky we’re even taking it.”

I don’t hold in my growl this time, it’s louder than the Choppers around me, “First of allGoldilocks, I built that junky ass bike, therefore only I can call it names.” Another man I recognize from the mechanic shop back in town bites back a smile as I continue my tirade, “Do I feel embarrassed being seen with a pretty boy playing biker? Yeah, but you don’t see me hog tying you in the back of a truck.”

Gold opens his mouth for a brilliant comeback but Roman lifts his hand, “Enough Case,” Hmm Case, like I’m about to pick up a murder case if this fool keeps shit talking my bike, “Jaz, you’ll ride with me. You’ll get your bike back later. I swear it.”

My shoulders deflate as I stomp over to Roman. I have to admit, to myself only, that riding this beautiful bike is not much of a hardship. Maybe I’ll be able to work on them one day.

Roman hands me his sexy Outlaw helmet and as I clip it on, he signals for the others to take off. As Case passes me, I throw the finger at him, feeling pretty damn good about my childish act, then get pissed off even more when I see his shoulders shaking with laughter.What an ass.

Roman holds out his hand for me and I take it, planning on taking a seat behind him but instead, he pulls me in front of him. I hesitate for a second then decide, fuck it. At least it’ll feel like I’m riding alone.

Roman starts up his Chopper and the vibrations send an electric thrill through me. Roman’s left arm comes around my waist and tugs me back, so I’m seated firmly against him. I lean forward though, no need to get cozy with the wolf. I’m sure there’s a saying out there that warns all the girls to beware the big bad wolf, and Roman is the biggest, baddest wolf out there. Well, next to me that is. I’m pretty spectacular if I do say so myself.

I rest my feet on the pegs and hold on to the center of the handlebars, careful not to keep Roman from steering, and smile huge when he pulls off from the motel. The winds whip my hair behind me as the trees fly past. This is going to be the best ride ever.


This is the worst ride I’ve ever done. We’ve been on the road for three and a half hours now and God, her scent is driving me insane with lust. To top it off, I can feel her absolute joy at riding on my Chopper. It’s a far cry from her dirt bike, that’s for sure, but her excitement makes her mouthwatering aroma turn even more tantalizing. Discreetly, I lean my nose into the collar of her soft leather jacket and breathe her in for the millionth time. What can I say? I’m a glutton for sweet, sweet torture.

And sweet she is.