Page 9 of Raiding Road

Chapter three

‘Life of Sin’ Nick Nolan


Running in the open desert behind the motel feels so damn freeing. I haven't felt my wolf so joyous since our first shift when I was a teen. I was the first to shift in my pack, the woman who raised me after I was found wailing in the center of the pack's village, said I was special. Important to the Ancients and born for something more than just living, but I’m fairly sure all loving parents say similar things. I was just an early shifter.

Perhaps saving my people is what I was meant to do. It was her constant reminder of how I shifted under the blue moon before everyone else my age, that led me to be the best I could be.

The blue moon doesn’t rise for just anyone, my dear Jaz. The Ancients smiled on you that night, you are their special gift to their beloveds.

I smile as I remember her words, then frown when I remember how she’d gone missing not long after I first shifted. No one ever looked for her because it was not uncommon for the elderly wolves to leave on their own when their time has come to an end. I missed her though, especially lately. I wish I had her wisdom.

I fought hard to prove my worth to the Alpha after she left and had prayed, I'd become a commander over the betas. Never did I think I'd become mate to the Alpha though. When I was chosen, a million different thoughts and emotions ran through my mind. Thewhy'sand thehow'sleading to only one answer;tosave my people.

The scurry of little paws draws my attention to the group of tangled tumbleweeds, and the scent of a jack rabbit wafts in the air. The anxious odor draws me nearer, hoping for the prey to flee. My wish is granted when the fast little speedster flashes out and makes a mad dash further from the motel.

I give chase, quickly catching up to it and killing it.Thank you, creature,I whisper in my mind as I take nourishment from the animal. All lives serve a purpose, and they should all be thanked for serving it.

After finishing my rabbit, I lay down and close my eyes, relishing in the moon's light which feel like warmth from the sun. With my head on my paws, the buzzing and clicking of insects lull my mind into a foggy sleepiness, but just as my eyes close, the soft breeze changes directions and brings with it the scent of magic. I jump to my paws and turn back to the motel, a growl rumbling through my chest.

We must go quietly, girl, I tell my wolf as I trot through the desert. The motel comes into view after a few moments and I stop, dropping to my belly and watching the three massive black wolves sniff at my bike. Even if I couldn't taste their distinct scent on my tongue, I'd know these are no regular wolves. They are bigger than any Alpha I've ever seen.

All of them are pure white with black tufts at the center on their heads. They stand about two feet taller than the handlebars of my dirt bike and one of them flips open my seat while the other two examine the contents inside.

Fuck! They'll report back to Cree when they see my notebook!

Jumping from my position, I race toward them. I'll have to try and kill them, or at least one, so I can get the hell out of dodge before Cree can come after me.

I won't let these nosy bikers stop me.

They turn their heads to me when I come barreling out of the shadows, tackling the one who opened the compartment. We go flying and rolling onto the asphalt before standing and coming together in snarls and fangs. I may be smaller but that just gives me ample room to attack vulnerabilities like the throat and stomach. This time however, I snap my jaws shut on his shoulder, his yelp pushing me to shake my head rapidly, tearing the skin open and tasting his blood.

He swings his big head downward, biting the back of my neck and throwing me off him. Like no joke, he straight up tosses me like I’m a yapping Pomeranian puffball instead of a wolf. I guess I am that small to him since he’s a mutant and all.

I roll and stand once more, ignoring the shooting pain through my hind leg, and snarling in warning to the three wolves who surround me. Their lips pulled back in ferocious growls, saliva dripping from their vicious fangs.

Fuck, they're bigger than me by a lot, and that's saying something when I was one of the largest wolves in Raider Pack. I was almost as tall as Alpha Cree but compared to these guys, I look like a natural wolf.

One of the wolves nips at my hind leg, making me jump and growl at him. The other nips at my shoulder, while the last one snaps at my paws. They keep doing this, making me jump and turn every which way. Toying with me.

Thinking fast, I feint to the left then jump to the right when they make the mistake of following me. I crash into the door of my room, shifting as I land and pulling my swords from their sheaths.

The wolves back up when I come running out the room, naked as the day I was born, swinging my blades. I probably look like a fucking lunatic but it's kill or be killed, and neither death nor survival cares what you have on... or in this case,don'thave on.

The tip of my right blade slashes across the side of the first wolf, missing his neck by mere inches, as my left blade cuts across the middle wolf's hind leg. But with my back unguarded, the last wolf tackles me to the ground, my chin slamming hard against the ground making stars dance in my vision. Thank the Ancients I didn't let go of my swords.

I roll over, intending on cutting the head off the asshole, but he anticipates my move and quickly ducks below the blade. His large paw pushes my arm above my head as another wolf bites down on my other, holding my forearm in his jaws and piercing my skin. I growl but I refuse to show any more pain, I’ll suffer silently rather than give them the satisfaction.

The wolf above me opens his jaws, pushing his Alpha power through his rumbling growl as he places his fangs against the soft skin of my neck. I stand my ground, refusing to break eye contact and submit, but I feel my wolf roll to her back, showing her belly and submitting to the dominant wolves.

No! Don't submit to these assholes!I mentally shout to her, but she just whimpers in response.

Fucking hell.Maybe I should follow her lead and let them think I'll go quietly, then I can find a weakness and exploit it. I'll make my escape when their guards are down.

Settling on my decision, I let my swords clatter to the ground and turn my head, showing submission by exposing my neck.

I feel the wolf above me huff, his breath blowing against the sweat on my neck before he inhales deeply and steps off. The other two wolves take my swords with their jaws, and they back off.