Page 8 of Raiding Road

If I were in my human form, I wouldn’t be able to hide my chuckle. My brothers and I are Alphas who rule side by side equally. It’s an anomaly in our world for more than one Alpha to rule over the same pack, but we do it just fine, doesn’t mean we don’t bump heads once in a while.

Well, then, what the hell took you so long, asshat?Case asks with annoyance.

I was getting more info on our little lone wolf. Turns out, she’s been workin’ at the shop for a while, and does badass work. I’m thinking we should drag her wild ass back to the Clubhouse and make her fix the Club’s bikes as payment for the damage she caused ours.

Hmm, a powerful wolfanda mechanic. I wonder what else the little wolf can do. Atticus skids to a stop next to us as we make our way through the shadows of the town. Twilight is upon us now so people will not likely see us. Though the humans in the desert are used to wolves and coyotes running through the streets at night, some even think the wolves, especially Atticus, Case, and me, belong to Cutthroat; wild wolves that we’ve tamed ourselves. It makes being in our wolf form much easier when humans believe their logical thoughts. After all, the emblems on our cuts have a snarling wolf, so it makes sense they’d think that.

Let’s run boys, I’m betting she pulled over at pop’s motel stop.

We take off running through the town toward Utah. There’s not much else along the way and her scent, as faint as it is now, leads straight to the border. Her dirt bike is running on harsh fuel too and seeing as she’s the only person I’ve seen ride on this highway today, I’d say the harsh smell of oil belongs to her. Like breadcrumbs leading the way.Hopefully, we’re not walking into a Witch’s cottage.

We run along the highway for a few hours, enjoying the wind blowing through my fur and the gravel beneath my paws. This is what it means to be a wolf. The open plain, fresh clean air of the wild all around us. Freeing, rejuvenating and all-around invigorating. It’s like riding my motorcycle but better.

Atticus runs up to my side, nipping at my ribs before shooting off like a rocket. We run faster than natural wolves. Our speed has never been clocked but we know we can outrun almost every vehicle on the streets. Pushing my legs harder, I race after Atticus’ black wolf, howling as I go, with Case on my heels.

Our bond is strong and though I call them my brothers, they are not actually blood related. We don’t know our genesis, or how we came to be abandoned babies in the Colorado woodlands, but we grew up as a family. All of us are Alphas and none of us submit to the other but that’s what makes us strong. Normally, there can only be one Alpha in a pack because our natural instinct is to dominate anyone with power, but somehow, my brothers and I have a bond unlike others.

Our childhood pack separated us as we grew into our teens and the pain of the separation was as close to death as any of us have ever faced. Our first shift was earlier than everyone else, in the eighteenth year of our lives, and it happened on the night of the rare blue moon. When our wolves surfaced and made the shift, we immediately raced through the state in search of each other. It took me four weeks to find them, and my wolf refused to shift back until I did.

We’ve been a family ever since and eventually left our home to build our own pack. Years later, we created the Cutthroat MC. Since we bend to no Alpha’s rule, we’ve been considered outlawed and rebellious. Might as well wear a cut to prove such truthful descriptions.

There’s her dirt bike, brothers.Atticus’ voice pulls me from my musings as we come upon the little motel.

Her scent is powerful, even with the wind,Case says as we wander closer.I wonder if she scented us when she arrived.

Do you think she’d still be here if she did? Besides, pop’s ol’ lady always uses that Witchy stuff to cover our scent.

I’m not lying either, Marge, or as we call her,ma, is a Witch with no coven. She has her special trinkets and potions to cleanse the aura of lone wolves, so whenever we find a mad lone wolf, she’s the one of the Witches who helps us bring them out of the darkness. Along with her spiritual guidance, she also pop’s ol’ lady and runs the motel. She keeps our rooms scent free in case rival packs come out this way.

Brothers, come look at this.Case says as he pushes his snout against the dirt bike.

I trot over to him, Atticus on my heels, as we look at what he’s seeing. In the seat compartment, there’s a notebook with the words, Alpha Pack, written in feminine script.

So, sheisa threat,Atticus growls.

Or simply curious of us,Case tosses out, but even he doesn’t sound convinced.

Either way, she’s in our territory and fucked with the Cutthroat MC. She belongs to us now.