Page 70 of Raiding Road

He flips the blade between her fingers while a mischievous grin spreads across his face, “I hear you’re wicked accurate with a blade. Let’s play a drinking game,” he launches the dagger at a wooden post, the tip landing deep into the grooves, “if you can’t land my mark exactly, you take a shot and vice versa.”

“You’re on!” Jaz exclaims before pulling her own dagger from her boot.

“Care to place a wager on it?” Knix asks while wagging her brows.

I can’t help but call over my shoulder as I leave them to it, “I wouldn’t place bets with my mate if I were you, she will stick you with a cruel wager.”

I hear Jaz laugh as I clap my hand on Case’s shoulder. He’s been really quiet lately, an unusual mood for him. I can’t help but wonder if he’s seen his office already and is brooding over it.

“What’s with the face? Is it your office? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s cleaned before the night is done.”

“No, it’s not—wait what happened to my office?”

“Erm, broken glass. What were you going to say?”

He narrows his eyes at me, seeing my lie easily but not questioning it. Something must really be bothering him.

“This Prophecy… the whole mate thing. Where’s the third sister?”

Ah, that’s what it is. For as long as I could remember, Case has had mixed emotions about finding a mate. Finding your soul’s mate is both coveted and feared by my golden eyed brother. Of course, the mixed emotions must be heightened for him knowing that he won’t be getting some regular bond with someone, but a true fated mate. His absolute perfect match.

“We’ll find her, brother.”

“Before the Witches get to her?” I give him a look that I instantly regret, “Don’t fucking pity me, Roam. I’m not asking because I want what you have with Jaz. I just don’t want something to happen to the broad, what do we know about this shit? What if she’s killed, will it kill me as well? This is unknown territory for us,for me.”

I understand him, completely, I only wish I could give him an answer.