Page 7 of Raiding Road

“Mhm, and the leather cuts they wear didn’t tip you off?” I grab his nose, pulling his face to mine, “you also have this thing calledinstinct and senses… if a person smells like a wolf, eats like a wolf, and has dominance like a wolf, it’s likely a wolf.” I shove his face back as Case stands and walks over to the shaking pup.

Yanking his arm forward, Case lifts Jerry’s shirt sleeve, “You are hereby banished from Cutthroat lands.”

“No!” Jerry screams but Case ignores him and quickly slices off a large portion of his skin, marking him as banished from Cutthroat. The silver in the blade will leave a nasty scar, whereas a stainless-steel blade would have left his skin completely unmarked thanks to our supernatural healing.

I watch Jerry scream and wail for forgiveness, but I’m done with him. It’s funny how the treatment you give people isn’t always reciprocated. We gave this guy everything. Took away his lone wolf status and gave him a place to thrive in, yet he burned the bridge with his lust for the girl.

Case tosses the bologna size slice of skin to the floor and grins as he wipes the blade on Jerry’s sweat soaked shirt. I grab the whimpering prick by the collar of his shirt, dragging him to the back door and shoving him out.

“Run omega, run far away. If I ever see you on Cutthroat lands, I’ll have your head.”

Jerry obeys my command and shifts, breaking through the confines of his clothes and running full speed to the north. Even omegas are valuable to the club, but when you disobey orders or force us to command you, our level of respect drops considerably.

Turning back to Case, I find him lip locked with Jerry’s front desk receptionist, an omega wolf who found sanctuary here. Clearing my throat, both Case and the redhead separate.

“Ah, Prez, Red was just telling me about the little tire slasher.” Case slaps the girl on her ass, earning a blush and a giggle. I feel my eyes ready to roll out of my head.

“What’s her name?” I growl out, ready to get on the fucking road.

“Her name was Jaz, here’s her application.” Red’s voice shakes as my alpha power seeps through.

Case narrows his eyes at me, judgement for my harsh tone. Normally I have a handle on my power, but this past hour of fucking crazy has my hackles raised. Breathing deeply, I run my fingers through my silver hair and clear my head.This fucking day.My wolf huffs in agreement.

The girl rushes out of the office with a piece of paper in her hand. As I scan the sheet, I see handwritten information, all basic and most likely false in every way. Folding the paper and stuffing it in my back pocket, I look back at Red.

“Anything else we need to know about?”

“No, Alpha,” Red thinks about it then adds quickly, “but Jerry said he had notified you of her arrival, so I felt no need to check in. There could be others, but I highly doubt it, but it would be wise to double check,” she giggles then tacks on, “Jerry made it seem like he and Jaz were going to have pups soon.”

“Fucking dipshit,” Case laughs, “Like he’d have a chance with that woman. From what I could tell she was dominant as fuck.”

“Did she mention where she’s from?” I ask as I try to ignore the surge of possessiveness that flows through me at the thought of fuckingJerrytouching her. I can feel my wolf trying to surge to the surface to chase after the bastard and rip his throat out.

“No. She kept to herself. She never tried making friends with anyone. I tried to work on a separate shift than her though.”

“Why?” I ask. My curiosity of this lone wolf keeps rising higher and higher.

“Because her power is so strong that I’d be unable to do my job.” She drops her head like that’s something to be ashamed of. Then I remember why she ran from her old pack, the Gallows MC. The old Alpha was an asshole who should have protected her but instead, he treated her like shit. Abusing her because she’s an omega and never fought back.Fucking coward. I feel my wolf growl, reveling in the remembrance of how he killed the old Alpha. Brantley makes a much better President over that MC.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Case says as he stands straight, nodding to me, “Let’s go find this wolf.”

“Thanks, Red.” I tell her as we make our way to our bikes in the garage bay.

We pull off our leather cuts and hang them from the handlebars. Jones will pick them up along with our bikes when we meet up. I let go of my humanity as I fully shift. The sound of bones breaking, and reforming is something you never truly get used to, but the pain is so quick that you hardly register it. It’s the sounds that never get easier. The sound of your skin pulling and stretching as the fur sprouts through. Each follicle widening at the same time burns and feels like road rash as the strands push out. Metamorphosis on crack. It’ll always feel natural yet completelyunnatural.

Butnothingcompares to the sounds of my teeth cracking and elongating though. Like grinding rocks and glass.

As my black wolf surfaces, I shake out my fur, letting my human consciousness take the back seat in my mind. Allowing yourself to fully evolve during a shift is vital to your wolf. Giving over control to your animalistic instincts is the key to creating the perfect shift and bond with your other half.

Crescent Packis where my brothers and I were raised in after we were found as babies in the woods. They taught us how to truly bond with our other half. They showed us that our wolves are as much a part of us as we are of them. Neither higher than the other.

My vision changes, like all my senses do with a shift. Everything is sharper, clearer. Scents are multiple times stronger in this form, and I can taste each one on my tongue. My hearing is impeccable as well, I can hear the cry of a baby while it’s mother coos at it about two miles away, the static of a radio being changed from one station to another inside a moving car.

Case howls loudly, calling to Atticus and letting him know we’ve shifted.

Atticus needs to hurry his ass up. What is he doing, giving Jones a blow job?Case’s voice reverberates in my mind, our pack link allowing me to hear his mind rather than his voice.

A howl not too far off replies as we feel Atticus enter the pack link with us,Shut your panty-waste mouth, Case.