Page 64 of Raiding Road

“Yes. Now tell me what the hell you’re doing sending your Hellhounds to sniff around my mate’s bedroom.” Roman snarls as he leaves his place to come stand beside me.

“Just as your friend said, we were contacted about your Witch issue,” Silver hair vamp gestures to the three men, “we consulted with our mates, their sister is the True Witch and we decided we’d come and check it out before bringing her into it. While here, we caught the tracks of a rogue wolf. We’re bounty hunters and you are harboring a wolf with a hefty price on her head. We sent our men on ahead of us just before Knox showed up at the meeting spot.”

“Although, a confrontation wasn’t part of the fucking plan,” the other Vampire hisses as she glares at their men.

A slice of a smile slashes across Joker’s face.

“Do you have a picture of this rogue wolf?” Atticus’ eyes narrow with something akin to suspicion and pain.

The sliver haired Vampire pulls out a photo from her breast pocket and shows it to Atticus. He stares at it for a long time, his knuckle whitening as he clenches his fist.

When he looks up, his eyes are glowing with his wolf at the surface, “They’re looking for Zatrina.”

Fuck, maybe that’s why she left! Maybe she thought leaving would keep Blood Crow trouble from our door.