Page 6 of Raiding Road

Chapter two

‘Evil Got a Hold’ Nick Nolan


Moonshine, dandelions, and wind.Unmated. Her scent was intoxicating and filled with something that can only be described as powerful. The little girl with ash colored hair and warm grey eyes to match, just fucking slashed our tires like a wild thing.

"Who the fuck was she?" Case asks, running a hand through his blonde hair as he examines the gash in his tire. Case is my VP and is most definitely not accustomed to disrespect like this. Hell, none of us are. We’re the kings of Cutthroat, no one ever fucks with us.

"A fucking beast, that's who," Atticus, my Sargent at Arms, growls as he starts up his bike. The only bike that wasn't defiled by that sexy yet highly fucking crazy woman.

"You think she's a Gallows MC?" Case pulls out a cigarette and lights it, his gold eyes glittering with the anger and excitement he's trying his best to contain.

Same as me.

My instincts are working hard to make me chase her, hunt her down and tame the devil inside her. I want to take her fire and harbor it for myself.

Chase her, tame her, break her,the beast my head doesn't have actual words, but his gnawing and growling translates into those demands.

This wild ass woman had the scent of a temptress and the deadly skills of a warrior. She’s a double edge blade.

"No. We have a truce with Brantley. If she were someone's ol' lady, she would have known that. No, she ran because she's a lone wolf." I smile at my brothers and get grins in return.

"Lone wolves know better than to be in our territory," Atticus says, pulling his Outlaw helmet on and waiting on my order, "What'll it be Prez? Want me to go get Jones from the diner, luckily he came in his truck.”

I nod, sniffing the air for more of the little wolf's scent, "Case and I will question Jerry about the woman. He should have told us or one of the prospects of her arrival."

"My guess; he wanted her for himself. The bastard is a sick fuck," Case says as he eyes the shop, "Remind me again why we let him stay in our territory."

"We give everyone a chance, Case. He's only fucked in the head because his time as a lone wolf took him too far into the madness." I tell my brother.

Case tics his head, gesturing to the shop Jerry manages for us, "He's a bitch, Prez. He needs to go."

I look at Atticus, his red eyes show his agreement before he even speaks it, "I second that. One screw up is too many."

"Okay," I nod my head, "We'll question him and then banish him."

"Aye," They both agree.

"Alright, once we get whatever we can out of Jerry, you'll call our Utah house and let Sky know that there's a lone wolf. He'll keep an eye out. When you're done informing Jones, come back here and we'll go on the chase."

"Got it," Atticus climbs on his Chopper and takes off, his motorcycle roaring as he races to the town’s diner.Damn, I was really looking forward to a few burgers.

Somehow, I doubt this lone wolf will be easy to take down, even for three powerful Alphas like us, but we’ll take her down for breaking Cutthroat laws. The rules are simple in our territory, which spans from Nevada to Colorado, all wolves must have our permission before setting down roots. Lone wolves are a wild card to our world, an unknown threat to our pack and way of life. A lone wolf doesn't justchooseto be alone, that’s not a natural choice for wolves. We thrive in a community and need each other to keep from going mad with depression. If a wolf is alone long enough, the wolf will do one of two things; weaken and never find the will to surface again or force a shift and never give up its will. Neither option bodes well for the human side, nor do they bode well for anyone nearby.

This lonesome town in the desert belongs to the Cutthroat MCs and every citizen here is some type of supernatural. Sure, once they’re vetted, we give them a choice to be part of the Cut Pack, but sometimes, being alone is what they want. So, we’ve built this small town to let them be alone yet...not quite. The small population allows the residents to have a sense of seclusion, space to feel free, yet still populated enough to have a community around them. It keeps them from slipping into the madness. The only stipulation we ask of them is to hold down the town for the MC side of my pack. Be my eyes and ears while me and my crew are on runs across the territory. In return, we offer protection and safe sanctuary.

Case and I walk back into the machine shop, scenting the lingering and very tempting aroma of the lone wolf. She smells like ancient magic. It’s so strong that even with her gone, you feel as though you’re in some type of Werewolf ceremony.

“Alpha,” Jerry says when he spots us walking through the isle of tires, “I saw you guys run out, I figured you were chasing the female.” His shaking voice grates on my nerves. He sounds like he’s about to shit his pants.

“When were you going to tell us or one of themanyCutthroats around here, that there was a lone wolf in town?” I don’t stop walking toward him, even as he backs into the door of his office, “Because as I recall, that’s a strict rule we enforce in our territory.”

Jerry casts his beady eyes around us, my Alpha power, which is not even on full power, is making him and his wolf whimper in pain at my proximity.

“I wasn’t sure who to tell, Alpha. I don’t know your MC members, and I wasn’t sure they were aware of our kind.”

I turn back to Case who leans against the tool chest, scratching at his scruffy jaw while flipping a sheathed knife between his fingers. Case and Atticus never liked Jerry, the omega had our full support to join our pack but his weasel like ways have made everyone, myself included, distrusting of him.