Page 5 of Raiding Road

I drop my bag, the one that holds all my worldly possessions, on the floor by the bed. My swords are tucked into their sheaths on the inside with the handles sticking out of the top. No one ever asked me about them, no one wondered what a girl like me was doing with two deadly weapons like mine, but I'm sure they all assumed I was either crazy and they didn't want to find out or they thought I was into gladiator cosplay or some shit.

As long as they left me and my bag alone, I didn't care what anyone thought.

Laying on top of the comforter, I stare up at the popcorn ceiling and map out my next steps from here. I had planned to leave Nevada soon anyway, I'm just a little ahead of schedule. Tomorrow I'll find food, fuel and a shop to tune up my bike.

"Thank you, Ancients," I whisper aloud, "I don't know how I made it here, but in case it was you, thanks."

I lay for a little while longer, letting the magic in my blood heal my body of the aches in my muscles from the long ride, but soon I need to practice. Magic isn’t something we should rely on.

A good warrior is never complacent. A mighty warrior always strives for more.

We are taught that complacency is a weakness, lazier than the ants who march all day for their colony. To be mighty, you must seek more, fight for more, live for more.

And that is exactly what I am doing for my people. Striving for more than what we’ve got. Seeking to flourish and not just survive. Fighting for life without the threat of Dark Bloods.

I can feel you, girl, but tonight we need sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll go for a run and hunt.

I smile when I feel my wolf huff with annoyance, but settles, nonetheless. My wolf is back, I lost the scouts, and I’m in a territory Cree won’t chase me in... there’s nothing that’ll stop me now.