Page 4 of Raiding Road

These guys smell like the purifying smoke on Choosing Night. Magical,ancient.

My wolf stirs inside me, I can feel her shaking out her fur and exposing her throat. It makes my soul awaken and the pain I've felt the past thirty days lessens.

"Who are they?" I breathe softly to myself, but even above the music playing from the speakers, the three guys hear me and spin around, their hard gazes rolling over me. Their eyes match their hair.

Platinum, Gold, and Bronze.

Platinum’s hard eyes are silver with flecks of green that glow as he takes me in, his nose flaring wide; he’s scenting me.Fuck, if there was any doubt that they were scouts sent to find me, there's none now.

Turning fast, I rush to the cash drawer where I put all the money away during the day, and take my earnings, plus a little more because Jerry is a dick, then slam it shut.

I don't run like my instincts beg me to, I just power walk my ass to my bag and out the back door, ignoring Jerry's barrage of questions.

I look over my shoulder as I run for my little dirt bike. I built this baby up myself from scraps I found around the shop, it's been faithful to me all these weeks and I pray like hell it continues its trusty streak. I swing my leg over the seat and attempt to kick start the motor, but the damn thing won't turn on!

“I take it back, you’re not trusty, you little Frankenstein bike, come on!" I slam my foot down once more but the fucker still won't start, “it needs a running start.”

I roll the bike to the road, right to the corner, close to the bay where the men were standing, and see the area is empty.They must’ve chased me through the building and are coming out the back now.Thinking quickly, I pull out my dagger and run to their bikes inside the shop, slicing through the rubber tires on two before running back out just as the guys come around the corner. Growls leave their snarling lips, the challenge clear in their blazing eyes.

“Sorry boys.” I two-finger salute before running to my bike.

Using my Werewolf speed, I run with it for about thirty yards before hopping and slamming my foot down on the kick start; praying like hell it starts. The engine roars to life and I twist the throttle, bringing the front wheel up as I speed off.

I slip my dagger back into my combat boot and take a deep breath.That was close. I only put two of their motorcycles out of commission, but they know I can use a dagger well enough. Plus, if they’re scouts from Raider Pack, they’d have heard about my warrior status and know what I’m capable of. I doubt they'll send one of their own after me while the other two stay behind.

I just hope I can lose these three sexy scouts. I don’t want to find the True Alphas with trouble on my tail.

I stick to the lonely highway as the sun sets, sighing out my thanks to the stars that I was able to get away. It's foolish and naïve, but I had hoped Cree would just let me go. Stupid wish, I know. You don't cut your Alpha's Achilles heel then slam a dagger through his chest and hope he forgets all about you.

My eyes become blurry as I remember that night. The look in his cold dark eyes as he salivated over my body. So, unlike the boy we all once knew.

I wipe my eyes and shake my head and speak to my wolf when I hear her whine, trying to give me comfort.We will not relive that night. It's in the past. We move forward...alwaysforward. We move toward salvation for our pack, and justice for anyone who has been hurt by the Dark Bloods.

I feel her howl loudly in my head, rubbing against the barrier of her home inside me. She's awoken and she's rejuvenated. No more painful silence. It's as if running from danger, the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline of a fight, has brought her from the depths of sadness.

It’s good to feel you, girl.If that's what it takes to heal her, I'd run from a thousand scouts.

Spotting a little motel off the highway, I decide to stop here for the night. I've been on the road for nearly three hours and my bike won't last much longer without more fuel. I'm not even sure how I made it this far.

"The hell?" I spot theWelcome to Utah, Life Elevated, sign as I exit off the interstate.

I was on the road much longer than I thought. I narrow my eyes at my fuel gage and spot it well below empty.How is that possible?

I kill the motor and pull my bike off to the side of the motel, hiding it in the shadows before walking around the small lot to the front desk. The place looks like it survived the apocalypse. Of course, there wasn't one,yet. If the Dark Bloods continue to gain power, I’ve no doubt there will be.

I twist the door latch and enter the small office where an older man sits with his feet propped up on the counter. His mouth is hanging wide open, and his snores are louder than my Frankenstein bike.

"Excuse me, sir?" I say softly, not wanting to startle the man.

His hairy beer belly sticks out from beneath the hem of his sweat stained muscle shirt, and the front of his equally dirty jeans is wide open. Stepping away from the counter and out of view of his body, I try again, this time a little louder.

"Sir!" Still, chainsaw snores are all I get in response.

Well, this sucks.I look around the office, noticing the keys hanging unguarded on the wall behind him. There's a sign detailing prices and room availability. Only three rooms of fifty are occupied. Deciding to leave enough cash for three days and a note telling the man which room I've taken for myself; I grab a key and walk out. I'm just ready to crash for a few hours and find some fuel in the morning. I'm already in Utah, I might as well keep going until I hit Colorado.

I look at the number tag on the keyring and follow the doors until I reach my room. It's not as close to my bike as I'd like but it is what it is, and I’m too tired to really care. There are only three other rooms occupied and I made sure mine was furthest from them.

I slip the key into the hole and twist, preparing myself for a dirty ass room but I'm pleasantly surprised to find it well kept and tidy. Surprising since the man at the front was in worse condition than this room. The full-size bed looks old and well used but the sheets and comforter are washed and clean. The curtains smell like cigarettes, but the scent of fresh cleaning products overpower the cancerous toxins.