Page 33 of Raiding Road

I push up and knock the damn clock to the side then charge Roman, knocking him to the ground mid-shift. His eyes are crazed as he looks at me, roaring in my face while the wolf beside us lies unmoving.

I scream in Roman’s face, “You can’t fucking kill her!” I smash his cheeks between my palms, forcing him to look me in the eyes instead of searching for the threat. If this were any other moment, his smushy face would have me laughing. Alas, amusement is far from me, “We need to get information from her, she’s a Dark Blood, Roman. She’s no threat now, she’ll need a long ass time to heal, let’s get her to a cell and question her when she awakens.”

I see the moment the craze leaves him and logical Roman returns, his pinpoint pupils dilating and ceasing their vibrant glow, “Let’s get her to the silver cell.”

After standing and pulling me with him, he walks over to the window, ripping three strips off the wool curtain and tying one around the muzzle of the white wolf. He ties the other two around her front and back paws before unceremoniously tossing her over his shoulders as if he’s bringing a buck, he just killed. Not too far of the mark actually.

He begins to walk to the broken door, noticing the flames are finally gone, leaving unmarked wood behind, and a crowd of people staring inside.

“Wait!” I snap before ripping the rest of the curtain down and wrapping it around Roman’s waist, “No need to make me kill some innocent women for looking at what doesn’t belong to them.”

His ridiculously sexy chuckle has me rolling my eyes as I tuck in the edge of the curtain. He’s so tall, seven feet at least, and the curtain looks like a towel. At least everything is covered.

“You do know that nudity is natural around shifters, right?” His sarcastic questions send a throb through my temples. All the teeth grinding this man induces is bound to give me a migraine.

“I may be a woman, but I’m gonna need you to suck my dick.” Made no sense but I’m fucking exhausted and I don’t give a shit. The stupid glint in his silvery green eyes has my libido throwing on some nipple tassels and doing the damn cha.

Instead of showing him the effect he has on me, I throw him the finger before gesturing for him to start walking.

“Your turn,” He rumbles, jerking his head to the second curtain before walking out without a backwards glance. So demanding, the least he could have done is help me. Not that I need it, I’m a self-help-independent-kinda woman, it’s the principle I’m more concerned with.

I make a stupid looking toga, leaving the left side of my body exposed but fuck it, I’m decent. Besides, Roman is right, the supernatural world is nothing like the human world. Nudity is a given, especially with shifting and bursting through our clothes.

Stepping outside, I look at the cabin and notice the only damage is the door and what our little battle created inside, everything else looks fine. I guess that’s a good thing, but it feels like it’s not. Maybe if damage had been caused, I’d feel like the worst has passed but as it is, I feel the constant ball of lead in my stomach grow heavier with the knowledge that we’ve yet to see real damage.

You’ll lose everything, just as we did. What the hell does that even mean? This Witchy wolf acts as though she knows me. Her scent smelled like your average Witch’s brew, but I feel like that was faked to cover her true scent. A Werewolf. And that fluttering in my chest, was that what Roman was talking about earlier? Do I somehow know this girl without truly knowing her?

“Are you okay, Jaz?” Knix’s concerned voice pulls me from my convoluted thoughts.

Turning from the undamaged house, I look at her and see her wet clothes clinging to her body like a second glove.

“Yeah, but what happened to you? You were supposed to be tossing water at the flames, not going for a swim.” I joke as we step off the porch and follow after Roman and his brothers who talk animatedly while poking at the wolf over his shoulders like they’ve never seen one before.

“We were trying to break into the house, but it was blocked by something, like an invisible wall,” I look over and see Knox jogging toward us looking the same as his sister, sopping wet from head to toe, “The others continued to try and put out the flames, so we got hit with a lot of water. What the hell happened in there?”

I stare at Roman’s ass while I do my best to explain to the twins everything from the baby’s cry to now. Every so often, Roman turns around to check on me and I find that little action sweeter than his possessiveness. It’s like he’s afraid I’ll disappear on him. Can’t really blame him though. For the second time in one day, we’ve been attacked. Shit needs to change.

“So,” Knox starts after I’m through detailing the events, “you decided to cover Roman’s junk in the midst of a face off with a Witch who is actually a wolf?

“That’s what you got from that whole story?” he just shrugs and waits for my answer, “Yes, you weirdo, I’m a Werewolf, we don’t share. I’m sure your crow side can understand when I say, I like my shiny things and I will become homicidal if someone tries touching my toys.”

Knox grins mischievously while Knix whispers something that sounds a lot like,dear Ancientswhile covering her eyes with her hand, “Well, you better get a kill list ready.”

My brows furrow as I trip over something on the ground. Looking down I see the wool curtain, “Motherfucker,” I sigh and look up to find an uncaring and very naked Roman stomping off to the north building with everyone following.

“At least it’s a nice ass.” Knix says before dodging my shove with a giggle.

This day is just fan-fucking-tastic, I need a drink and a nap. My wolf grumbles her full agreement.

“Seriously, though, I will take your eyes from you. Please, don’t make me ruin your bewitching face.” I tell her, hoping my smile is open and showing I’m not serious. Although, I really am... dead serious.

“Gee, your warm and twisted smile has really put me at ease, Jazzy,” Knix snorts as we enter the cool building.

Luckily, Roman turns into a room, cutting off everyone’s view of that award worthy ass of his. I really need to up my workout game, he’s making my goodies look like flabbies. Seriously, it should be against the law for that man to have such a booty.

“She’s drooling, Knix. Somethings wrong with her. Slap her,” Knox’s worried voice pulls me from my musings. His pupilless eyes look over me worriedly.

I roll my eyes and change the subject before I really do drool, “tell me you’ve found information on the Dark Bloods. This Witchy wolf isn’t going to stay contained for long, her evil besties will come for her, and we need to be ready for them.”