Page 54 of Fate's Dice

I can’t have that.I pick up a pack of smelling salts and crack the seal.

Once Greg wakes up with a jolt, I ask him, “Who ordered you to kill my guard and chase my sister?”

A stream of urine leaks from the naked man and I’m grateful I’m sitting too far for the foul liquid to touch me.

My lip curls in disgust while Brian howls, “He’s trying to baptize you, Mero!”

“Danny Reyes ordered it! He said the Cabello’s planned to tear down the Familia. He said that if we didn’t end the threat, there’d be a blackout on all of our families.”

“And you fuckwads just believed him? I thought the Generals and Captains believed Danny Reyes was just a paranoid psycho who is obsessed with Julian Cabello?”

“What are we to do? Defying our Don would lead to our families being slaughtered. You can’t just toss in the towel with Danny. Most of us don’t even want to be there with the fucker, except a few men like this guy.” Greg jerks his chin to the whimpering man next to him.

“Who else does Danny have on his side?”

Greg shakes his head like he’s trying to clear it, "Anyone who shares his blood? I have no clue how many blindly follow him without threats being the prime motivator."

Greg drops his head back and stares at the ceiling, but I still can't scrounge up an ounce of remorse for his situation.

Everybody gets dealt a bad hand, but there's a bluff and a fold available to everyone. This fucker could have done something other than following the flock like a blind little lamb.

"That's too bad, Greg." I say with a huff while standing, "You should have been more careful who you followed. You should have been wise with your choice of leadership."

"I was born into this!" Greg screams as he brings his eyes to mine, "I had no choice."

"Bullshit," Hector says with a sneer, "You took an oath when you could have split. You chose to stay and say the words. You chose to give your loyalty to a man who doesn't have the fucking balls to lead. You may have been born into this life, but it was your choice to live it."

Greg drops his chin to his chest on a heavy sigh. There's no going around the sad facts. No way to deny the truth without lying through his ass and looking like a fucking idiot in the process.

"What other fucking plans does Danny have in motion."

Accepting his fate and the truth of our words, Greg begins to detail it all.

"I don't know what they have planned but they've got something in the works. I'm not privy to any details but I've heard through the line of men that Rico has been watching the Cabello girl for months."

Brian, Hector, and me glance at each other, “Rico? As in Danny’s second in command?” I ask.

"Yeah. Rico is also his nephew. Anyway, about five or six months ago, Danny figured out that Julian had a child. He sent feelers through the city, looking for Julian's ex-girl, Rockie. When word got back to him that she had a daughter, he had Rico watch her. At first, there wasn't much for him to report on and Danny felt like he had nothing to worry about but then, Rico kept watching. One day he reported back to Danny that the girl was up to something.”

“What the fuck does that mean?Up to something.”

“Probably some bullshit. Danny is so fucked in the head that you can convince him of anything when it comes to Cabello. If you tell him Julian rose from the grave, the lunatic will probably believe it. Danny told Rico to have the girl and her mother removed within the week, but Rico is a sick fuck. He just kept feeding Danny stories and gained more time to watch the girl. Danny is done though. His mental state is through the fucking roof and now the girl has a bounty on her head.”

“What’s the payout for her?” My fists are clenched tightly, and my teeth are grinding so hard my jaw hurts, but I want all this fucked up information. I want to know every fucking detail so that the rope of vengeance gets tighter and tighter around my neck.

When I finally have Danny and his ball sucking nephew, I’m going to soak in their screams and pleas. When they’re being slowly dropped into my barrels of acid, I’m going to stare them in the eyes with fucking glee.

I will watch their skin and bones melt with a smile in place.

My phone begins to ring, “Hola?”

“Dice is awake. I helped her into the bathtub.” My sister’s voice comes through the line. It sounds as if she’s speaking through her teeth.

“What’s wrong?” I ask as I nod to Hector and Brian who continue questioning Greg.

“I just saw her body, hermano,”Brother. “Make sure that motherfucker lives for a week with broken bones.”

Letty hangs up and I turn back around.