Page 47 of Blood Crow

"I've only known her to use one entrance and as for traps, I'm certain her wards are vicious enough to kill but she wants to kill you so I say we hand one of you lovely ladies over to her."

Draven and Drac jump to their feet immediately, smoke pouring from their flared noses as they growl at Mayfly but I stand between them and the Nymph.

"He's right. If she thinks he has caught a Crow for her and wants to make a bargain with her, she'll drop the ward for a moment to let him pass. That'll be our window into her domain. You four can go in cloaked behind us and once we're with Drug we can fight."

"You said our powers don't work in there," Draven says unconvinced of this plan.

"That's what I thought when I first had the vision but when I actually spoke to Drug this time he said his power was weakened but it was the threat to Elsie that kept him from fighting back."

Fuck, I hadn't meant to let that slip.

"Threat to Elsie!?" Drac shouts as Draven goes still as a statue.

"Yes, she is Merelda's power source but draining her of her powers hurts Elsie so in order to prevent that, Drug doesn't fight back. I didn't tell you guys before because I didn't want you going on a rampage without a plan. Now we have one."

"She's right, Dray." Rory places a comforting hand on Draven's shoulder, making him soften a little... not much though.

"Fine, Bird, but don't ever keep information from us again."

I nod sharply. What can you do? If it were my sisters in that situation, I would have killed the person withholding that from me as well.

Draven takes a seat again, "Merelda isn't stupid. She'll know Ronny is too stubborn to turn herself in willingly so how do you plan to fool her?"

Ouch. But he's right, I am too stubborn.

I hate the smug look that crosses Mayfly's face as he looks me up and down like I'm a meal, "There's a few options here, one; we have beautiful sex and you become mine then I tell the old witch that you'll do anything I say and I'd like to strike a deal with her for your pretty little head."

The guys, including Darren, growl at that while my sisters and I roll our eyes. It's not really a surprise he's using this situation to get a good fuck out of me.

"Or?" I motion with my hand for him to move on to another option.

"Or, if you want to be boring, you can just pretend you're under my spell. You'll have to make it believable or she'll see right through the charade." He licks his lips and quirks a brow at me.

Oh boy, this guy.

"That'll work brilliantly!" Roxy exclaims, "Now can we go? I'm bored and my fangs are aching for some action."

Much to her dismay, we ignore her griping.

"Make it worth it for her and offer me as well." Darren says. I'm sure he just wants to make sure I'm safe and get his pound of flesh.

"Do you want to pretend to be under my spell too or perhaps you'd really like a go at it?" There's no fucking bounds with Mayfly.

"Down, boy. Just pretend you knocked me unconscious with some poppy or something when I came to dissuade Ronny from you."

Mayfly ponders that for a moment then nods, "That'll work."

Great, now we can finally take the bitch down.

"How will we get out of there once we have Drug and Elsie? Won't the wards be back in place?" Drac asks seriously.

"We’ll try and link all of our magic together to siphon out, if that doesn’t work though...We'll have to kill her."

Looking around at everyone in the room, I see my family all nod in agreement. There's just too many people in here that Merelda has hurt. Her choices have become her doom. In our world, a balance must be kept. Good and bad must stay in balance or shit gets fucked up.

Mayfly traps his lovers in his spell but he gives them the pleasures they seek. A misdeed hand in hand with a good deed... if it can be called that.

When I kill, I choose someone who is an imbalance to the scales of fate.

Merelda hasn't kept to the scales though and she's weighing one side down. I plan to remedy that and seeing the sheer determination in my family, I know they have those same plans.

We'll see who gets her first.