Page 17 of Blood Crow

"Yeah, let's throw some gas on your flames, Dare Bear. Don't start a fire in my house again." The little pink haired, Roxy says with a crazy giggle. Damn, she's like the female version of Drac.

Darren calms down slightly as he looks at the girls fondly even while his fists stay clenched at his sides.

"I think you meanwaternotgas," Ronny says next to me while rolling her eyes.

"That's what I said,gas."

Everyone stares at her for a moment until Drac tosses his arm around her shoulders, "Definitely gas."

Ronny turns and sits on the couch, completely over the conversation, and pulls out an aged wooden box. Inside are various bones and crystals. Beneath them is a divination board with runes.

We all sit around her as she sets everything up and I take this moment to ask Darren my own questions.

"You call Ronny your daughter but where are their real parents and why haven't they been taught how to use their magic?"

Everyone stops moving to look between me and Darren. The man pinches the bridge of his nose before answering on a heavy sigh.

"Their parents left them when Roxy was just a baby and I met them when they were all just teens. No one has seen or heard from them since leaving. Same withtheirparents and every parent before them. At first I suspected foul play but the Elders decided that without proof of anything that no investigation was necessary and ruling that it must be the way of the Vocem Sanguinis; to leave their offspring when they are able to care for themselves. As for their magic, there are no familial books passed on from parent to child as is with the witches and their books of spells."

What do you think of this man, brothers?I don't fully trust him. He doesn't have the foul scent of lies but that doesn't mean he isn't covering his scent with magic.

I believe him but I think it would be wise to be cautious,Draven says.

"So you mean we have actual magic and no one thought it was acceptable to tell us? We could have tried learning on our own." Ronny's voice is filled with outrage and I don't blame her. Books or not, they have a right to know about their abilities.

"And how could you not try to teach us when we're putting our lives on the line while bounty hunting for the Elders? What if we could have done a lot more for others instead of handing out damnation like fucking candy?"

Darren sighs like this is a conversation he's been dreading. He looks pained to have upset the sisters.

"The elders forbid it because you don't know your power source. Every race has a power source. The Fairies and Fae have nature and elements. Nymphs have their own source within the desires of others while Witches have the spirits and the Wolves have the moon. You three have no known source."

My brothers and I look at each other, "Until now." Drac says with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Darren asks with his brows furrowed.

Without thinking of what I'm doing or why I'm doing it, I grab Ronny's hand and lift it with her palm up and mine cradling from beneath. I couldn’t explain to anyone how I knew to do this but I push my hellfire through and the ball of black flames passes to her hand from mine, hovering an inch off her skin.

"We are their sourceandtheir mates."