Page 15 of Blood Crow

She doesn’t push me away or fight me off; instead, she lets out a tortured moan and lifts her arms up her body slowly before gripping my hair and pulling my face down to her neck.

The erotic voice of the singer is arousing and anacreontic. It feels as if it’s a tune laced with magic and the haze of lust fills my mind as it did moments ago. Improper and filthy thoughts buzz through my head, blocking everything else out.

I don’t hesitate to act on what I want and what Ronny is giving, I bite her neck using my hellhound teeth. I sink them deeply and grind myself to her lush ass as she moans and gyrates against me. Her blood fills my mouth and though I’m not a natural blood drinker as she is, I still swallow deeply.

Magic laces her blood making the metallic tang taste like aged wine and fermented brew. Addictive and intoxicating. Her arousal shows not just in her movements or moans but in her aura. Her skin begins to glow and her hair floats upward as if caught in a breeze.

Her magic just came in… What the fuck did I just do?

I rip my mouth from her and watch as small sparks dance along her skin like tiny stars caressing her body. She turns around and faces me but just as they did in the alley a week ago, her eyes penetrating my soul only now they’re white like anOracle’s.

“‘I tasked you, Drug. Kill the Crows and be reborn.’”

Her voice is monotone and disembodied; not her own. She sways slightly like she’s in a trance but then the music changes and suddenly there is a shower of blood pouring from above us.

Everyone cheers and begins to lick at the downpour and each other but my eyes stay on Ronny. Her face, now dripping in blood, looks far away but as I cup her cheeks she blinks the haze away.

“What was that?” She sounds normal but freaked out.

Before I can answer though, her eyes roll back and she begins to fall. Quickly, I scoop her up and call for my brothers,

Something is wrong with Ronny. I’m getting her out of here.

We’re right behind you, Drug.

In my arms, Ronny begins to convulse and mumble but I can’t understand her with the music and moans of the bloody orgy going on around us.

Making it to the front doors, I kick them open and rush over to the river’s bank under the moonlight and lay her down on the cool sand. Quickly I rip off my shirt and soak it in the water to clean her of the blood. The bite marks I left on her haven’t healed and though she isn’t bleeding, there are two punctures on her skin.

Did I cause this? Did I somehow kill the Crow with my bite? Fuck! It didn’t feel like death though. It felt as if we were on a different plane, a new realm of magic and purity, but a bite from a Hellhound is deadly. Why the fuck did I bite her?

“What in the hell is happening to them?” Drac’s frantic voice pulls me from my thoughts and it's then that I notice the other two Crows lying on the ground.

"Their magic came in. Somehow, brothers, we opened them up to their power source." Draven who is usually stoic and cold, wipes tenderly at his mate's neck where two puncture wounds are clearly seen.

"What happened when you bit her, Dray?"

Draven drops his head and tries to control whatever emotions are flowing through him but when he picks his head back up his eyes are the molten lava of his Hellhound.

"She said what grandmother always said to me, 'Draven Hound, you are a stain upon your name. Forever you will be a taint, a humiliating shame.' Then she fainted."

As the words are spoken, grandmother's face flashes in my mind's eye. I haven't thought of that old cow since I was a child but every word is correct. How would this Crow know about that? What powers do these creatures possess?

"Drac? What did she do or say?"

Drac shakes his head then tosses the shirt he was using on the pink haired Crow. The wounds on her neck stand out as well.

"I was lost in a haze, hypnotically so. I moved without thought and drank from her neck but then zaps of energy ran along our skin so I let go. She turned to me and said, 'Drac and his brothers have yet to complete the task we've given, the Crows still walk amongst the living."

This is fucking confusing. What does this mean? Then it clicks.

"Past, present and future." Is all I say as I point at each of them, "But how did we start this? Our bites are deadly and will kill anyone, even a demon. Not only did we fuck up by allowing ourselves to bite them but now we apparently have enemies."

"At least we know though," Drac says scooping up his mate, "Let's get them back to their house. We should be able to pass through their wards with them."

Fifteen minutes later we pass through their boundary lines and into their home. The plantation style home is enormous and filled with Victorian style furniture and decor. I wonder if it's from their century?

We lay the girls down on the more modern sofas and look around ourselves, unsure of what to do. We don't have long to wait though because all three girls come to like a switch was flipped.

"Rise and shine, birdies. Looks like your powers came in and you three need to explain your visions."

Perhaps I could have been a bit more gentle with these flighty birds but it seems that my brothers and I are on a time limit from an unknown enemy and I'd like to know who they are.

"The elders want us dead." The pink haired Crow says, looking straight at Drac with rage and sorrow in her eyes, "And you three are tasked for the killing."

It's quiet for a moment until Drac speaks up, "I think I want to see how slowly an Elder burns."

My eyes are on Ronny though. Does she think I will try to kill her? Do I want her to think I will? Fuck!

She leans in closely, her eyes glittered in black and her whisper sounds like a hiss, "Let's play a game called toss the bones."