Page 51 of Blood Crow

Just then, Darren comes running in, "Rigescunt Indutae!"

Elsie freezes on the spot, arms up and eyes wide.

"What did you do to her!" Drac roars and dives for Darren but Draven and Roxy stop him.

"I literally froze her. She's unharmed and the spell will wear off in five minutes so we need to move quickly!"

Drac runs to Elsie and kisses her head as Draven cups her face, "We've got you little sister. You'll be safe soon, I promise."

Roxy and Rory begin working the chains on my wrists but they're magical. They won't open with a key.

"You can't break these, take Elsie and go now before Merelda comes back!" I yell at them but the two crazies just keep trying to break the chains while Darren stands watch over Elsie and the spell he cast.

"We're not fucking leaving you, pup. Besides, Ronny is outside keeping the old crone back." Roxy says followed by a grunt when Rory elbows her.

"What the fuck!?" I snap at them, "You left your sister out there with her?"

Roxy, unapologetic as ever, just shrugs at Rory, "What? Draven said no secrets, right?"

I feel a new pulse through the room as Elsie unfreezes and launches a flame against the stone floor just as Ronny comes to a stop at the door. My breath wooshes out of me seeing she's got blood all over her face but she looks unharmed.

Either she just used her teeth to rip out Merelda's throat or she’s just had a meal.

Another flame gets thrown and it hits Ronny on the chest. She screeches and claws at herself, forgetting she can't be harmed by Hellfire anymore, and a vile falls out of her cleavage.

I try not to lick my lips at the voluptuous sight of her pillowtop breasts but I'm a creature from Hell, I have no morals.

Darren yells out his spell again and Ronny scoops up the little vile from the stone floor before running straight to me. She hands off the vile and throws herself at my chest.

I can't wrap my arms around her but I do take in a deep breath, filling my lungs with her scent and soothing my aching soul. She litters kisses all over my face before coming to my lips.

The burn on my neck starts again but I ignore it as I push my tongue into Ronny's mouth, tasting her sweetness and swallowing her moans. My body heals and something begins to happen as the warmth in my neck spreads to my arms and back. The urge to hold Ronny in my arms fills my mind and every cell in my body is willing my wrists to be free. Suddenly my arms pull from the wall as chucks of the stone wall crumble around us.

We don't break the kiss though, how can someone cut this short? Having Ronny in my arms is like having my soul mended with stitches of heaven made thread. Healing and renewing.

All too soon, Ronny pulls back, "Merelda will be here any moment. We need to get Elsie out of here."

Rory sniffs the liquid in the vile, "This is Praesidium. Maybe it'll fight off Merelda's spell on little Elsie."

"It will, that is the same stuff we give you to keep spells from being used to influence your will. Quickly, give it to her."

Rory rushes behind Elsie while Drac and Draven grab hold of our sister's arms. Darren speaks the words that release her from the freeze spell and my brothers hold her arms down. Rory squeezes my sister's jaw with enough force to open it then she pours in the liquid, holding her head still while she swallows.

Elsie shakes and forces herself to drink the potion and when she does, the effects are immediate. The Hellfire leaves her fingers and she sags against Drac in relief.

"Thank you, Ronny," Elsie whispers before she passes out. She's exhausted from her fight but she won't be able to rest until we escape from this godforsaken tomb.

Suddenly there's a loud scream from the tunnel leading into the room, "Here she comes!" Ronny shouts.

"Everyone, join hands!" We all follow Rory's instructions just as Merelda comes into the room bleeding from her face and chest.

"See ya, biotch!" Roxy says before we siphon to Club Lust.

When we arrive, we all turn to Drac who holds Elsie, only, it's not the little girl we left with. In her place is a young woman who looks like our mother while wearing the too small clothes of our little sister.

"What the hell?" Roxy exclaims before sniffing the woman in her man's arms, "It's Elsie but... Older?"

"The spell Merelda had on her must have kept her old enough to channel her magic through but young enough to keep powerless. This is Elsie's true self."