Page 40 of Blood Crow

She takes my hand with a deep breath and Roxy takes my other hand. We're all linked now and we close our eyes focusing on Drug.

Nothing happens right away but my right forearm begins to burn. It doesn't hurt but I can feel the heat as it begins to spread throughout my body.

The spinning starts and soon I'm standing in the cave once more only this time, my sisters are with me.

Drug is there, bleeding and hanging by his wrists. Lashes are all over his body, bleeding in some and blood caked in others.

He looks right at us and smiles.

You can see us?I ask him through our link.

No but I can sense you and hear you, it feels so good too.His inner voice sounds exhausted and my heart twists.

We're coming for you Drug and your brothers are with us. Do you know where you are? He drops his head in utter defeat and I can't stop the sob, even in my head.

Don't cry, Black. I'm okay, just healing very slowly. This room is made of something that dampens my abilities and these cuts aren't what hurts. She's using Elsie to keep me tamed. She locked her in a cage and threatened to drain her of her power. She did it once until Elsie passed out while screaming.

The connection starts to warp as if we're on a time limit.

We'll find you Drug. I promise and we'll get Elsie out of there too.I put as much hope as I can into my words,I love you.

The last thing I see before the vision drops is his head pop up with a cocky little smirk.