Page 29 of Blood Crow

"Yes, they are separately hidden. I don't know what they could be. You will need to split up and cover as much ground as possible. Brothers, you three will know what the talisman is when you see it and if you dig deep enough into your memories, I'm sure you can find the locations. It's your past, you will succeed."

Darren reaches into his bag and pulls out three twine necklaces. Each of the necklaces are braided like tribal bands and they have a moonstone in the center.

"Wear these at all times. If you guys get lost while separated and can't teleport to one another, rub the stone and say this chant, 'If you get lost, rub the moon. Close your eyes and I'll find you.'"

Roxy comes back in the room with a full duffle and we all hug Darren.

"We'll make her pay, Dare Bear. She will suffer for her crimes against you," Roxy says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Darren. I wish we could have met her." Rory's whisper is heartfelt and makes Darren rub at his eyes.

I hate seeing him broken like this. He's been our father for so long and he's been so good to us, loving us like we're his blood.

"I'm going to find a Necromancer, Dar. You'll have your love back."

My sisters look at me with furrowed brows. Maybe I seem like I'm handing out false hope because Necromancers have become somewhat of a myth but they're not. I will find one and I will heal Darren's heart.

Darren nods like a parent would to a child, like he doesn't want to tell me I'm dreaming of what can never be but I vow it.

With a kiss to Darren's cheek, I turn to Drug and grab his hand.

"Where to first?"

Drug looks to his brothers and nods before answering.

"Driskill Mountain."