“No more headache, thank God. My nose aches a bit, but I don’t want sleeping medicine anymore, Gavriel. I want to be awake with you and check on Luca and Carla.”

He leans over and kisses my forehead and his scent has me leaning further so that I can wrap my arms around him and pull him down to me. He laughs and holds himself up with his forearms to either side of my head.

“Careful, Sia, I don’t want to hit your nose or make your pains come back.”

Instead of lying on my chest like I wanted, he moves to sit up on the edge of the bed. I throw him a pout that causes him to laugh and kiss it away, and as much as I want to kiss the life out of him, I stop and say,

“No! I have ranky breath!”

He keeps trying to get a kiss, though, jerk. I squeal and start laughing, but suddenly I feel like throwing up. I slap my hands to my mouth and try to get out of bed, but Gavriel seems to know exactly what I need. He grabs the waste basket from the side of the bed and holds it under my face, but nothing comes out, just a bunch of embarrassingly loud dry heaves. I’m surprised a fucking furball didn’t come up.

Damn medicine.

I hate manufactured drugs and I never take pills even for a headache, if I can help it.

Once I’m done heaving like a cat, I take a drink of the water Gavi gives me and say, “Please, baby, can you get a fucking nurse in here to unplug me so we can go home?” I’m completely over the bleach and ammonia smell. I want to be home preferably getting fucked by my man.

I think the medicines are still making me loopy because Gavriel laughs and says, “That will be happening and soon.”

I’m not even a little bit ashamed.

“But first there’s something else I want to tell you.” Gavriel’s looking at me strangely like I lined the planets to give him fortunes. It’s not much different than how he normally looks at me, but he’s glowing with emotion.

I sit up a bit and get a whiff of myself. God, I need a shower.

“Okay, hit me with it. What’s got you in your feelings,bello mio?”

He pauses a moment, getting his words in order. Just when I’m about to start snapping my fingers impatiently he tilts my world off its axis.

“You’re pregnant, love. We’re going to have a baby.”