Luca reaches the back of his waist band and brings out a handgun.

“It's high up, but if someone can reach it, they can climb in.” Sia says.

“Merda. I didn’t think to have anyone run security at the restroom window. Marco, call Tommy and Peter. Make sure they’re good and have them bring men in. Sia, stay here and watch our backs. Luca, come with me.”

Just as I finish getting everyone in place an explosion goes off from the restroom. I instinctively make a grab for Sia and feel Luca slam into my back, yelling, “Watch out!” The explosion is so loud that I can’t hear for a few moments after the dust and debris settle.

I shake my head and watch the room zig-zag until it stops, showing me the damage. I look toward the restroom and see the wall is completely blown out with cement everywhere and exposing the steel framing within the walls. Luca is behind me, rolling over and spitting blood onto the dusty floor, but Sia is a few feet from me and she’s not moving. I get to my feet and stumble my way to her and begin to yell her name, but I can’t hear myself over this fucking ringing in my ears.

“Anastasia! Wake up,amore mio, wake up!” She’s got blood running from her nose and though I don’t want to move her, I turn her head slightly and test her pulse. It’s beating strong and I let out the heavy breath I was holding while I continue to search her body for injuries. I need to get her out of here. Seeing no visible breaks or cuts, I sit back and assess the situation. My hearing is back but only normal in one ear and I hear Marco yelling for me. I turn and see him holding a limp Carla in his arms. She’s bleeding pretty badly from her leg despite the tourniquet Marco tied around her leg with his belt. Tommy’s men are also in here doing a search for any enemies while Peter helps Marco take Carla outside.

“Luca,fratello, are you okay? Can you walk?” I ask him while he brushes Sia’s hair from her face. He looks like he’s in serious pain and is still bleeding from his mouth. I don’t think he can hear me, possibly lost his hearing too as he was closer to the blast than we were. I grab his arm and notice a steel pole about half an inch in diameter sticking out of his back. Fuck! He took that for me. He jumped on my back before that pole could hit me.

He looks up at me and with a scraping voice, says, “I’m fine, boss,” but then his eyes roll back and he passes out.

I’m not letting this crazy fucker die.

Not when his sister just got him back.