“Lucian is my fiance. We’ve been together for years now; since he moved here from California about eight years ago. We met on the night of the first Barbaric Night. You remember his fight, no?” That last question was directed to Gavriel.

“Yes, I do remember that fight quite well. The bloodiest one I’d ever seen there.”

I’m completely floored. Gavriel has seen Luca, met him and spoken to him?

“You’ve met him?” I ask Gavriel in shock and anger. I can’t help the accusation lacing my tone.

“I’ve met him but I never knew you were his sister. I never would have guessed it but looking at you now, I see the resemblance.” I let it go because I can see the honesty in his eyes and it would be stupid to think he’d willingly keep this information to himself if he did know.

“Wait, wait. You’re Sia, Luca’s baby sister?” Silver covers her mouth with both hands as she takes a step towards me. Her eyes scan my face, seeing the same resemblance Gavriel had seen. She hesitantly puts her hands on the tops of my arms and rocks my world with her next words.

“We’ve been looking for you,sorella. Since we got to this state he’s been looking for you.” At that I start crying. We hug and let the emotions flow. My brother has never forgotten me. He’s never stopped looking for me.

Home, my soul whispers as Silver pulls back and kisses my cheeks.

I open my mouth to bombard her with questions but she puts up her hand and stops me.

“Nope, I won’t tell you a thing. For eight years now Luca has talked about how it’ll be when he meets you. How he’ll tell you all about himself and how you guys will share your stories with each other. I don’t want to take that chance from him.”

I completely get it and I respect her more for that. She isn’t selfish and clearly has loyalty for my brother.

“Would you like a drink? On the house.” I ask her with a chuckle.

“Yes,please. Where’s your restroom? I need to clean my face.” Silver says while wiping her face with a napkin. I point her to the hall and watch her walk away before turning to Gavi with a huge smile on my face.

My brother will be in my life in a few short hours!

“Your mother passed on her talent to you and your father passed on his talents to your brother. That’s amazing,amore. You and Luca have a lot in common too.” Seeing my smile, he says, “You don’t look so nervous now. Is it the fact that Luca has been looking for you or is it the pretty pin-up doll?”

I snap my head to him, ready to rip his tongue out, but the smirk he has in place makes me realize he saw me eyefucking her.

Oh well.

Chuckling, I say, “Yes, I was checking her out but only I can do that. If you ever call any other woman pretty again I’ll slap the taste out of your mouth, got it?”

He laughs and puts his hands up in mock surrender. “Calmati, amore.”

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

“To answer your question, though, I feel like I have an actual plan. Normally I just wing it, like moving here without a plan; going with the flow. But now I’m thinking I need to be delicate with Luca, especially because he’s depressed right now. As much as I want to run straight to him and say ‘Hey, I’m your long-lost sister’ I won’t.”

Gavriel looks thoughtful for a second. “I agree. I think you should sing for him, as planned, and then speak with him afterward. Feel out the situation and decide whether or not he’s ready to learn the truth.”

I smile at him and reach up to run my thumb over his bottom lip. He’s always on the same page as me. He’s encouraging and stands by my decisions. Like today, for example. He was supposed to be with his father for a meeting with the capos but instead asked for his father to fill him in on it later. There’s much to discuss with the underboss being held in the cell and I think they’ll be interrogating the bastard now that he’s suffered for a week, but Gavriel asked to be here with me, to be my rock while I tread new waters.

Plus, there’s still the threat of attacks that Adriano apparently put out on the dark web. Nico is handling that right now, but until it’s been quelled, we have extra guards with us and they’re all outside by all the exits.

Silver comes back to the bar and starts to dig through her purse.

“Okay, so I know you only sing cover songs, but I was hoping you could sing this.” She holds out a sheet of paper that has been folded over and over again. Taking it delicately in my hand, I can feel its age. But the words written on it have me gasping for air. A phone rings from inside Silver’s purse and she excuses herself to answer it.

“Sia, what is it? What’s wrong?” Gavriel asks worriedly, but I can’t answer. I can’t look away from the child’s scribbles. It’s a song that has been stuck in my head for as long as I could remember.

...Look at me, don’t look away.

Your eyes shine bright, don’t look away.

Sing your songs and write your words