“Why did you kill Frankie? Why did you do that to your own brother?” My father is screaming, showing emotion I have never seen but apparently the older capos and Adriano have.

“Ahh, there’s the Hangman everyone knows,” the scumbag says with a sneer. “Frankie was no brother to me. He and you were the golden children toPapa. You two did everything together, but the straw that broke the camel's back was when Frankie took the woman I loved. He took Liliana from me when he knew I wanted her! He filled her with those fucking bastards and ruined her!”

Just then the door bursts open and in runs my woman. Two knives held in her hands as she charges toward my uncle. He steps back, eyes widening while everyone scrambles to stop her.

“Don’t touch her!” I yell and everyone stops just as she thrusts out with her left hand. Adriano tries to stop the forward motion of the blade with both hands, but Sia uses his distraction to slam her switchblade, which is in her right hand, under his left rib cage.

Fucking beautiful.

Sensuality with a double edge blade.

Marco is there to grab Adriano’s hands while I break the hold my brothers have on me and grab the traitor’s neck.

Sia calmly tells him, eyes showing none of her hazel color, “You have one fucking minute to tell me where my brother is or I’ll turn the angle of this knife and pierce your lung. It’ll be a slow and painful death of drowning in your own blood.” She speaks loud enough for everyone in the room to hear her.

To hear that my woman truly is the lost mafiaprincipessa.

A formidable woman who has no qualms destroying her enemies with her own hands.

She smiles widely when Adriano cries out as she slowly pushes the other knife into his thigh. Not all the way but just an inch in. “You fucking heard her,brother. Start talking. You were doing so well before. What’s the matter? Does Frankie’s daughter scare you silent?” My father’s voice is deadly and calm, but he couldn’t hide the disgust in his voice as he said “brother.”

I look into the eyes of my uncle and feel absolutely no love or remorse. I don’t feel pity or sympathy for him, but when I look at my woman and see the unfiltered jubilation, I feel pride.

“You know how it’s done. Your truth will give you a quick end, your lies will give us pieces of you. Your choice. Now, where is Luca Romano?” I demand Adriano.

“You fucking think I’ll—AHHHHH!”

Sia wiggles the knife on his thigh.

“That’s your bone I’m scraping, isn’t it? I wonder if I can carve my name into it without removing the skin first.” She talks in a breathy sort of way like she’s actually turned on by this. Can’t say I blame her. Watching this side of her is a turn-on like nothing else.

That is, until she says her next words and then I’m pissed off all over again.

“You know I carved up a woman once when I was sixteen. I was sleeping on a park bench and a depraved homeless woman thought it was okay to try and smother me so she could have my belongings. She couldn’t steal them while I slept, no, she wanted to watch my life seep from my eyes, but she didn’t get the chance to. As soon as I felt that disgusting rag touch my face, I slammed this blade”—she twists the switchblade in his ribs—“into her bony thigh. When she fell back screaming, I grabbed the bat I had and beat her until I ran out of breath. I never knew if she woke up again because after I spent thirty minutes cutting off her fingers, I left her there in a pool for her own blood. So, if you think I don’t have the fucking gumption”—the knife in his thigh digs a little deeper while he screams—“to torture the information out of you, think again, motherfucker.”

God, this woman is my whole world.

She’s my wolf in sheep’s clothing.

My angel of death.

“If I were you, I’d start talking,Papa.” Tommy sneers. “Seems this little girl is going to have fun avenging her parents if you don’t.”

“You’ll stand there and let her do this to me? I raised you boys. I married your mamma and kept a roof over your ungrateful heads!”

“You killed our father, you fuckingbastardo! Fuck you! Start fucking talking,stronzo!” Peter is vibrating with emotion and is now the one being held back by my father and a couple of other men.

“Speak now or so help me I’ll watch as Anastasia peels off your fucking face!” My father threatens. His thirst for revenge knows no bounds when it comes to betrayal.

That is why he rules this empire.

“Luca is planning on going to Medusa’s in a couple of weeks. I found this information when he left a comment on the Medusa Facebook page. He goes by Lucian DeLuca.”

Anastasia immediately removes her switchblade, but Adriano doesn’t get a chance to feel relief because she stabs him four times in his lower back in quick succession.

“Four stabs in the back for the backstabbing bastard who murdered my family and Mr. Franco. I’ll let the men take care of you for now but just remember,un Romano a estrarre il primo sangue, Zio.It was a Romano that drew first blood,Uncle.”

She leans over and gives me a wink and walks to my father.