Marco and Gavriel told us what those kidnappers said and though it frightened me to my core that I have a major enemy out there with a hard-on to end my life, I appreciated the unfiltered truth. I don’t want to be babied when it comes to my best friend’s and my well-being. So here we are, in our apartment so Carla and I can pack enough clothing and items to begin our stay at the Renzetti mansion. I called in to Medusa’s and told Joe the whole stitch and he gave us time off and I promised him I wouldn’t be working with anyone else. He wasn’t worried about that, though, he just wanted us safe.

I asked Gavi what the plan was and how they’d find out who this person is, but for my own protection he said he couldn’t give me details. Fine. I’ll concede to this because it’s his area of expertise but make no fucking mistake, I’m not your typical housewife looking to be pampered and coddled. I told him as much. He promised me that if he can tell me something then he would, but he would also like for me to trust him. Though trust has always been something I don’t give away easily, Gavriel has done right by me this whole time. Giving him my trust was simple. Of course, I had to lay on a warning, though. Once my trust is broken it’ll be a cold day in hell when you earn it back.

“Mia bellezza, il tuo cuore è al sicuro con me. Your heart is safe with me, my beauty.” Is all he said in reply, but it was damn perfect.

Marco tried being nonchalant when he suggested Carla come stay at the mansion too. And as much as I wanted to tease him for acting like it isn’t obvious that he and Carla have a thing for each other, I agreed with him. They obviously knew Carla was with me. Maybe others know where we lived and they could use her to get to me. After everything Carla has done for me, after what she has become to me, I’d give myself over if it meant I’d save her.

I think she was thinking the same thing when she looked at me and said, “Hell yeah, I’m coming with you,chica. No way am I going to become leverage for some psycho.”

Marco had growled at that comment and I’m thinking the handsome man is also another reason she’s here packing.

I go into my room to start packing as Carla goes to hers. Shouldn’t take us too long. Well, at least not for me. I don’t have much, but Carla has a life in here.

As I’m grabbing my lyric books a note falls out.

The parchment-like paper is a beige color, one I’ve never seen before. I pick it up and turn it over. There's cursive writing on it. “You got away from me once,principessa, but you won’t get away again. Your new boy won’t be able to hide you for long. Soon you and your brother will meet the same end as your mother and father.”

Carla must have come in the room at some point. “Oh my God, Sia. Gavriel! Marco!” She must have read it over my shoulder.

The men come running into the room with guns drawn. “What’s going on?” Gavriel asks once he sees we’re alone. I can’t speak, so I hand him the note while Carla clings to my arm. I hold her and look around the room, thinking the fucking bastard is still here.

Immediately Marco begins searching the apartment. “Get Carla out of here, Gavi,” he yells over his shoulder.

Gavriel is on his phone, though, ordering more men to the complex, so I turn to Carla. “Let’s finish up and go wait in the car. I’m sure the guys want to get us far from here.”

Noticing how scared Carla looks, I whisper, “Looks like Marco is really into you, girl. What spell did you put him under, huh? Did you flash your boobs or cooch?” I waggle my eyebrows at her like a fucking villain.

I’m trying my hardest to look and act like it ain’t shit for me to have a death threat. But inside, I'm a fucking mess. It's one thing to come into my home and threaten me, but to threaten the life of my brother?

I’ll skin the motherfucker.

It works, though, and she’s giggling while grabbing her bag. “Fuck off, Si, I didn’t do anything to him. He just saw a damsel in distress and wanted to swoop in and save the day.” I hold back my eye roll. Who the fuck is she kidding? I’ve seen her blush more times around Marco than a fucking nun in a strip club. This is Carla I’m talking about here. Bitch is tougher than a two-dollar steak and she’s blushing like a prude every time Marco stares at her or speaks to her and I don’t see her asserting her independence when he opens doors for her or smooths her red hair out of her face.

I don’t tell her this of course. I can understand the front she’s putting up. I know she doesn’t bend easily to men, which is why she’s been single all this time. She’s not a virgin, don’t get me wrong, but relationships are not her thing.

Jerking a man around by his balls until she’s over it? Yeah, that’s her thing.

Until Marco that is. He’s a Renzetti and he’s more manly than any of her past hookups. It won’t be so easy for her to walk away from him.

“Right.” Is all I say and she throws a glare at me. “Okay, I’m done and ready to go.”

Carla nods just as Marco comes out of her closet. He grabs her things and tells Gavriel everything is clear.

I’m done too, so I turn to follow him and Carla out the door.

Gavriel takes my backpack and looks at my small suitcase, but before he can ask, I tell him, “This is more than what I had when I first got to New York. I don’t need much anyway.”

Instead of the pity I expected to see when I looked up into his beautiful eyes, I see a mixture of pride and anger. “Never again,tesoro. I give you my word that if you want this, want us, then I will never let you want for anything. I’ll make sure you always have the best of everything. Biggest house, best cars, designer clothing, anything I can get you, Anastasia, I will.”

Leaning up on my toes, I kiss him. “What if I say I do want this, us? Then what happens?”

Hovering his lips above mine, he says, “You and me, baby. That’s what happens.” He kisses me then and it’s a scorching, powerful kiss. He tastes of menthol and mint, the mixture of cigarette and gum. A heady mixture that has me dropping the handle to my suitcase and wrapping my arms around his neck. I nip and lick his lips as he tangles his fingers in my hair.

“I want us, Gavriel. I want to go forward with you,” I say as he pulls back to look at me.

His eyes are dilated and his breathing is choppy. “Are you sure,mia bella? I don’t do things halfway. If we do this, we do it all or none. No hesitations and no turning back. I won’t ever step out on you and my eyes will be for you only. I’ll worship your body with my fingers, mouth, and body until the day I die. I swear it. So, tell me now, love, do you really want to do this?”

I wait a moment, like I have to consider the pros and cons or some shit, only to mess with him. “Yes. I want this. I don’t care about any trivial or material things. I want you. A life with you.” I don’t get to give him my amazing speech because he drops my bag and smashes his lips to mine. He grabs my ass and lifts me and my legs automatically wrap around his waist.