"Bella. I didn’t expect to see you tonight,” I say into her ear, tightening my grip on her perfectly flared hips. Her scent is unique, an intoxicating mix of ginger and the sweet pungent smell of East Coast marijuana. A scent I’ve only smelled once before, four months ago behind Medusa’s lounge. The same scent that has invaded my memories from the first night we met. The night I touched her soft, creamy skin while it bloomed with an innocent blush.

So sweet, this girl.

Sia’s sweet, raspy voice infiltrates my mind. “I didn’t expect to see you either, Gavriel.”

My name on her lips should be fucking criminal. I bring her closer, erasing the tiny space between our bodies and slowly sway with her, moving to our own music instead of the fast pace beat that's being played.

I’ve thought of her every day for these last few months. Wondering how she was, if she was caught in her thoughts about me as I was her. Which is a completely new feeling for me. I have my fun with women and I’m never in shortage of willing pussy, but since hearing Sia sing in person? No other female will do it for me.

The way she looked me in the eyes with a challenging smirk that said “don’t fuck with me” and then opened her lovely mouth to sing to me, well, let’s just say I’m in a constant state of semi-hard. I would have gone to her apartment soon, had she not shown up here tonight. Yes, I’m unashamed to admit I’ve asked Joe and Carla about her. I’ve also found out she’s Carla’s new roommate. Again, no shame, but that wasn’t really my fault. You see, while at Medusa’s that night, Marco caught sight of the redhead waitress and has been infatuated since. He’s the one who somehow found out where Carla and Sia lived. I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I stored that useful information away.

She told me a small bit about her, about the parentless life she’s had. I don’t know what she’s been through in detail, but her eyes show a darkness that speaks to my own, only hers is tinged with pain. I wanted to help in some way, so I asked my mother if she could find some official information from the political wives she has lunch with once a week. Hopefully soon, I’ll have information on Anastasia’s parents that I can give her.

I would have asked my father, but being the head of the Renzetti crime family, he’s got a lot on his plate. Especially with the latest mess my uncle Adriano created with the recent shipment of cocaine we just got in. Seems he had it sent to a different warehouse, one we don’t approve of, rather than the original planned location, and now we have some cocaine missing. Marco and I just dealt with one of the thieves our soldiers caught on the streets earlier. His body is currently being liquified in a barrel of muriatic acid just below the dance floor.

Recently, Adriano has been making decisions without consulting my father. I have it in mind to get some of my men to follow him. He may be my uncle by blood, but he’s no family to me.

Cazzo di scemo, fucking fool. He doesn’t deserve the rank he has.

Coming back to the present with this embodiment of temptation in my arms, I watch how she moves with me. She slowly slides her hands down my arms and turns so her back is to my front. Fuck me. I don’t think she realizes how seductive she truly is. She has a sultry air about her and along with the innocence in her eyes, she could easily bring a weaker man to his knees. When the song morphs into something slower and sensual, I grip her hips tighter and grind my hardness on her round ass while I slide one of my hands up her body, between her full breasts. Wrapping my fingers around her throat, I pull her head back to my shoulder so I can lean my head down to slide my lips down the side of her jaw to her neck. She’s wearing a sexy distressed leather jacket with a loose red top. Crop top I believe they're called. Perfect access to her flat stomach, which I take advantage of and bring my other hand slowly over her lower abs to her other hip.

Gripping her body to mine while she rubs her ass on my dick, I bring my mouth to her ear and say, “Your voice has been playing on repeat in my mind since first seeing you sing. The shape of your lips, as they move against the mic, has put some very enticing images in my head,tesoro. The fire in your eyes while you stared straight at me without fear. Fuck,bella.” I groan, “You have me hard every time.” To emphasize my words, I push against her mouthwatering ass. I feel the shiver that runs through her but hearing the soft moan fall from her mouth is what has my pulse spiking.

Damn, this woman is going to kill me.

"You make the sweetest sounds, Anastasia. I want to hear what other noises I can make fall from those sinful lips." She's breathing heavy and my fingers that are still against her throat tighten. I feel her pulse racing and I want to bite her there. Feel it against my tongue. I want to bury my face between her creamy thighs and taste her juices. I'll make her scream my name and beg for more as I slide deep inside her heat.

She’s got me in my fucking feelings too. After being alerted of her presence, I walked out of my office and watched her and Carla make their way to the bar. I wanted to cut the eyes from every man who stared at her too long and I wanted to kill every man who watched her dance. She’s for my eyes only.

She's mine.

Huh. I’ve never felt this way before, but it’s not an unwelcome feeling. Not when it’s her.

I feel her swallow and clear her throat, so I reluctantly remove my hand. “I think I need to sit for a moment. Want to get a drink? They have a really good one called Penicillin.” Her innocence has me smiling at her, which only causes her to blush deeper, making me, once again, wonder if the innocence I see in her is real and not an act some women use. Has she never been with another man, ever been touched? That thought has me grinding my teeth. I try to calm myself from the sudden anger and jealousy that slammed into me with images those fucking thoughts conjured.

“Gavriel?” she asks, looking startled by the sudden anger that is no doubt showing on my face. Taking her hand, laying a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist, I give her what I hope is a reassuring smile and not the snarl it feels like, “Sure,bella. Let’s go have some drinks.”

Once we reach the bar, she pulls her hand from mine. “My name is Sia, not Bella.” She looks me right in the eye and cocks a brow like the feisty girl she is. I swear her piercing hazel eyes speak so fucking loudly. Her words say she won't put up with bullshit, but her eyes say "I'll fucking kill you if you cross me."

“‘Bella’ is Italian for beautiful, Anastasia." I touch her bottom lip with my thumb and skim it across her jaw to pinch her earlobe and enjoy the slight wince she gives. "I don't think I could forget your name if I wanted to, which I don't. I would never make the fatal mistake of calling you another’s name.”

“Shit.” I watch her bite her lip like she's thinking. “Um.Perdonami? Forgive me, I’m still learning.” She says it like she isn’t sure she said it correctly.

Which she did. Beautifully.

Hearing her speak Italian has me pleasantly surprised. “You’ve always spoken Italian or you’re learning?”

“Carla has been teaching me what she can and I take online classes to learn more. It’s a beautiful language and I’d like to learn well enough to sing a few songs in it. For some reason it sounds familiar to me. I’m thinking maybe my family spoke it. Did I speak it correctly?”

“You pronounced it perfectly. I’m sure you’ll be speaking it fluently sooner than you think.” Seeing Michelle, my bartender, come over to me, I order the two drinks Sia suggested.

“Yes, Mr. Renzetti.” She rushes to make them while ignoring the other patrons.

That seemed to surprise Sia. In fact, she’s starting to take notice of the people around us and how they’re watching us curiously as I pull a stool out for her. She raises a brow at one of the female customers, who is blatantly watching us. The girl blushes and turns away quickly, whispering to her friend and pointing over her shoulder at us.

Sia turns to me with a ‘what the fuck?’look.

Hmm, she doesn’t know who I am or that this is my club. I'm betting she doesn’t even know that I am next in line to be Don. She has no idea that the man she’s sitting with is rarely seen with anyone outside of the family, a man who has blood on his hands and runs an empire within the Cosa Nostra. She doesn’t know that only two hours ago I had my 9mm gun in the mouth of a man who thought it was perfectly fine to steal from me and I pulled the trigger without hesitation or emotion. I take great pleasure in it too. Spilling the blood of any man who thinks they can come against the Renzettis is an art for me.