Anastasia looks at my father with misty eyes. She could get away with murder looking like that.

“Thank you,Zio, thank you so much for everything you all have done for me. I—” She doesn’t finish the sentence. Instead she covers her face and sobs a little. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her to my chest.

“It’s okay,bella, you don’t have to thank us for this. That’s what family does for each other.” At that she picks up her head and quickly kisses me. She truly doesn’t have to thank us. She doesn’t realize, but my mother and father love her. I can see my brothers agree with me; even Nico the Cold warmed to her right away.

“Okay, sorry about that,” Sia says, pulling back and wiping her eyes. “Just happy tears, I promise, but I was wondering.Zia, you told me a lot about my mother but besides our love for singing and looks I don’t feel like we have a lot in common. What was my father like,Zio?”

Chuckling, my father says, “Your father was from the streets. His parents abandoned him at an early age, but he took care of himself. He was wild when we first met, like the street urchin he was. He also had a love for cars and had a collection of knives he planned to give to Luca. I still have the set and when we find your brother, I’ll have them cleaned to perfection for him. You remind me so much of your father and his skills with a blade.”

Sia straightens and I see her eyes flare.

My father notices it as well and continues, “Yes, that’s right. Your father had to do many unsavory things to survive these New York streets, so he learned how to handle a blade. It was easier to carry and hide but mostly, it’s because he liked a personal kill.” My mother nods with a smile on her face, remembering Frankie with fondness.

My father has never treated my mother like most mafia men treat their wives; like they’re weak and can’t take a bloody story. My father will even seek out my ma’s advice and let me tell you, my mother can be equally as deadly as my father. I’ve heard her order my father to end the lives of a few men when they’ve crossed a line againstla famiglia.

“When my father offered Frankie a home and our last name, your father accepted and we became best friends. Even though he didn’t change his last name, he was a Renzetti through and through. He and I were always into one thing or another. We never settled even after becoming made men. Until we met our wives that is,” he says with a kiss to my mother’s cheek.

“Ragazzos, boys,” Mother says with exasperation then uses her knife to point at my brothers and me. “You three along with Drake are exactly the same as your father and Frankie.”

“Yes, exactly like ourmarmocchibrats. My mother always babied Adriano, so he was never quite on the same page as us. Probably why he’s such a mess now. I failed him when I didn’t teach him after our father died.” It’s a rare thing to see regret in my father. He has always shown us that you make your choices and you stand by them with confidence even if those choices blow up in your face.

“If he hated my father then why the sudden interest in wanting to see me? Forgive me,Zio, but I don’t think I can be civil if I hear him say one bad thing about mypapa.” Sia’s honesty is appreciated and I see my father’s pride when he looks at me.

“I told you she’s like her father. One wrong move and she’ll cut your tongue out,” he says.

“Oh yes, I noticed that as well and you have your mother’s foul mouth.” My mother throws in. It’s said with nothing but teasing and love and everyone laughs. I guess she didn’t hold her tongue, even in front of my mother.

Damn, my woman is perfect.

As everyone begins eating and speaking Sia leans into me and asks, “Why don’t you like your uncle?” Seems my coldness earlier didn’t slip past her. It’s one of the things I appreciate about this woman. She’s observant. She weighs her words before speaking and she watches a room while giving nothing away on her face. But because of what she went through to gain that quality, I sort of wish she didn’t have it.

“Gavi, love? What’s got you thinking?” Sia’s accented voice makes me smile. I love her Texan twang. It’s rustic and unique and completely her.

“Sorry,mia bella. I’m thinking of a lot of things, but to answer your question, in my eyes, and my family’s eyes as well, Adriano is a fuck-up, but to me he’s a complete stain on this family. He makes choices that usually turn into crap and leaves it for my brothers or me to clean up for him. Since becoming the underboss and marrying he’s become even more complacent and lazy. He uses the Renzetti name as an insurance policy. He cheats on his wife and was a no-good stepfather to her children. The father of her children was a good husband and father, and he would have killed Adriano if he were still here. Marcella still lives across the street from your childhood home. Although now there’s a new home built over the lot.”

I tact that on at the end because I know my rant was a bit overdone, but I want her to know my feelings on everything especially when it comes to someone I look at with contempt.

“I trust your judgement. If you think it’ll be a bad idea for him and me to be in the same room then I’ll decline any invitation, but if you think he’ll be able to help find Luca then I’ll gladly put my differences aside if you will. I want to find Luca, Gavi. He’s my brother and for all I know he could be going through the shit I went through. I want him to know he isn’t alone in the world. Wouldn’t you do the same for one of your siblings?”

I soften to her words. Especially when I know she’s absolutely right. I’d do all I could to find my family. I’ll do the same for her. If my uncle can provide any information that’ll aid in finding Luca then I must put my differences aside for her.

But the moment he says anything disrespectful toward her or her family I’ll gladly make him choke on his teeth.