On the walk to our cars my father stops me. “Drive with me, Gavi.” Motioning to his blacked-out Mercedes-Benz G63, a gift from my mother for his last birthday. I had it modified with bullet-proof glass and doors because being the Don doesn't protect him from rivals, including the Russians, who want to take his territories. My father’s life has been threatened a few times. We’ve had some close calls, so I wanted to make sure he would be safe at all times. After climbing into the driver’s seat, I pull out my phone and send out a message to Drake.

Me:Qualche novità fratellino? Any news little brother?

Drake:Yeah, I got some old newspaper stories from some charity events and galas. There are a few photos with the governor and mayor. In a few of them Liliana is holding your woman and others have Luca as well.

My woman. My chest tightens with that simple statement.

She is my woman. The only one for me.

Me:Grazie. Bring them all with you and set up a meeting with Chief Marquez and Pop. Make sure he knows to be discreet and tell him it’s about the Romano case. Pop wants every single piece of evidence, statement, and photos to be brought to him.

Pocketing my phone, I turn on the SUV and ask my father, “You going home or did you want to go eat?” I’m secretly hoping he’ll say home so I can get there and see my angel. She’s a drug I’m quickly becoming addicted to.

Not that I mind.

“Home but take the long way. I want to talk with you,figlio.” I’m pretty sure I know what this is about. Being my boss and my father puts him in tough situations with his sons. It’s a fine balance, but my father knows how to walk it well. It doesn’t hurt either that we, his sons, do our best to make life easier for him by trying to keep him from having to be in those situations. This conversation, however, is probably more for Sia’s benefit.

Confirming my suspicions, my father turns to me while I drive. “Anastasia is special, yeah? She's got the black fire in her. She speaks like a woman well above her years, but we must remember that she is still young. You've never shown any interests in relationships much to your mother's dismay, but tell me now; is she really your woman or is she just an itch you want to scratch? If it's the latter, you need to straighten that out. She will not be jerked around, Gavriel.”

I want to laugh because Sia could never be something so basic. Something used and thrown away.


This woman is my perfect piece. Edgar Allan Poe's quotewe love with a love that is more than love, speaks it perfectly. There is no word or phrase that fully expresses what Sia means to me.

What she's becoming for me.

“She’s much more than special to me,Papa, she’s something I’ve never felt before and the only person who fills the gaps in my life. Gaps that I didn't even know existed until she came along. It’s new and uncharted territory for me yes, but when I’m with her or even look at her, I feel it in my chest. It’s a burning sensation that is all-consuming but not painful.

When we’re apart, my mind is on her. Thoughts of her bombard me and it takes every bit of strength I have to keep myself from dropping my responsibilities to get back to her.

Does that answer your question?”

I glance over at him and sure enough he’s got a smirk in place.

I roll my eyes. “Not you too, Pop. Help me out here. Is this a normal feeling? Did you feel this way with Ma?” It feels like my heart is moving too fast and though I want to fly along with it, I don’t want to run Sia off.

Like I said, un-fucking-charted territory.

“My feelings for your mother are the same, even to this day. Is it normal? I have no idea, but that is how I feel formio tesoro. When I first laid eyes on her I never looked at another female again. She was it for me and still is. That all-consuming feeling is called love and it only burns hotter with time. If Anastasia is this for you, you must tell her. Make sure you’re both on the same page and go from there. Don’t make plans because in this life, son, plans never come out the way you meant for them to. Live it day by day and love more than yesterday. That’s all you can do. Sia is a strong woman. To hear how she suffered in her young life—my heart breaks for her. I wouldn’t tell her that, though.” He says that last part with a scoff and shake of his head.

“Why wouldn’t you say that to her?”

Looking out the window, he says, “She may look like her sweet mother, but she's exactly like her father. She’ll slit your throat before she accepts pity. He was a street kid when we first met. He was stealing fruit from one of the street vendors in little Italy. Your grandfather watched as he took the fruit behind a few trash cans and ate alone. He was left by himself in the world with no parents, just like Sia and Luca. She got her mother's cloying smile and saccharine voice, but she got her father's taste for blood and deadly knife skills. She's a sinful combination. I'd watch out if I were you. She'll hand a man his balls on a bloody platter with a smile."

How right he is. Seeing her wield that knife like a trainedsicarioat the club was an extreme turn-on. If it weren’t for the situation, I would have claimed her right then. I adjust myself discreetly because images of her dripping in the blood of enemies has my cock growing.

Thinking of thosestronzosfrom last night, I ask my father, "Who do you think this Schemer71 could be? Does it ring any bells?"

"The name Schemer does, but I haven't heard it since being a teenager and I can't remember who was called that."

“We'll find thisfottutiidiot, the fucking idiot. He left enough of a paper trail when he sent payment to the pricks. Nico will find the accounts and follow the trail to the sender."

“Exactly my thinking, as well.” I look down at my watch as we pull up to the mansion. “It’s lunch time now. Nico should have some information for us."

I hold open the door for my father when he notices the extra men around the house and chuckles. "You really do have it hard for her if you've got all these men watching over her."

I roll my eyes, but I can’t help the laughter that spills out of me. I am in my feelings about Sia and fuck it, I don’t give a shit. I’m proud to have her. Now, all I need to do is claim her tight little body like she claimed my heart.