As I lead Sia toward the hallway, she stops and turns back saying, “Don’t break her heart, Marco. She’s lived a rough life too. She may be infatuated with you, but if you don’t feel the same, let her know. Please.” She doesn’t wait for a reply and begins walking again, but I see Marco’s smirk before downing his drink and heading toward the small staircase on the other side of the walk-in pantry. Going to his room where Carla is, no doubt. He’s been talking about that redhead since seeing her at Medusa’s working the bar.
Like me, Marco has been with plenty of women and never has to search very far for one to fuck around with. But when he saw Carla Conti, he couldn’t be bothered to look elsewhere. If not for the busy months we’ve had I’m sure he would have sought her out. Sia doesn’t need to worry about Marco breaking Carla’s heart, but I don’t tell her that.
Heading in the direction opposite from where my parents turned, I tell her, “This is the west wing, the boys’ wing. Though none of us actually live here anymore, we all still have our rooms on this side of the house. Our twin sisters, who are away for college, have bedrooms upstairs along with my mother’s private library and guest bedrooms.”
Stopping at the second to last door on the right, I say, “Here’s Marco’s room, where Carla will be.” I had planned to open the door and let her see her friend, but I'm fairly certain Marco snuck in there. Instead I steer her farther down the hall.
As we walk, I can’t help but to think back to the story she told us. She may not have seen it, but my father and mother wanted to leave the room not because they were tired, though I know they are, but because showing emotion in front of anyone has never been something my father was good at. Cool and controlled unless he’s alone with my mother or doling out punishment. No doubt, he needed to leave the room before he lost his composure. Even for me, someone who has killed and tortured others in the name of Renzetti, someone who revels in ending the life of a foe, I felt the burning pain in my heart for this beautiful woman beside me. Someone was always trying to hurt her throughout her life and I believe her.
The darkness shines brightly in her hazel eyes. I watched her as she handled thebastardoat the club. Showing no emotion or fear. A child, learning to defend her body and mind from those around her.
It makes me bloodthirsty on her behalf, but she is not weak.
She didn’t break under those circumstances.
She didn’t just survive either.
She bloomed.
The same way the evening primrose flower blooms at night, she grew into this amazing and deadly woman in the absence of light.
Lei è la perfezione. She is perfection.
From this moment on she’ll never want for anything.
She’s mine.
Once we reach the last door, I open it and let her know. “This is my room. You don’t have to stay in here if you don’t want to, but I’m offering it so you can be close to Carla. I’ll take one of the other rooms.” I want her to know that she has options here. No one will make her do anything she doesn't want.
She gives me a soft smile and says, “No, this room is fine.” Good, I’d love to see her wrapped in my blankets. I see her looking toward the restroom. She probably wants to shower, so I offer. “Would you like to take a shower? I know you didn't bring clothes with you, but I'm sure I can find something in my sisters' room.”
She turns back to me, pulling her hair up into a messy bun. I watch the delicate lines of her collarbone as she moves. The way her breasts push forward when she arches her back to gather her hair. She’s not wearing a bra, if the sharp points on her red top are any indication. She's alluring and it’s all I can do to keep from adjusting my growing erection. “Can I just borrow one of your shirts?” Her voice has my gaze shooting up to see her smirk.
Little minx.
Giving her a smirk of my own, because I’m not even a little bit ashamed to be caught admiring her, I say, “Yes, of course.” Now I’ll have her scent on my clothes and bed sheets.
Marco is right, I do have it bad.
I take a plain white undershirt from the dresser that’s so big it'll reach her mid-thigh.
When I hand it to her, she puts her hand on my forearm and says, “Thank you. For everything. Thank you for finding information on my family, for bringing me here and introducing me to your mother and father. For bringing me one step closer to finding my brother. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, but I’ll spend my life trying to nonetheless.”
Doesn’t she know?
Doesn’t she realize how she’s awakened my heart?
I’ve been with many women but never, and I truly mean never, have I had any connection or feelings for them. Sex is a basic thing. Something that can be completely separate from emotions. Just a means to an end. No attachments, no strings, just the way I liked it.
Now, though, not so much.
Anastasia Romano makes me want more.
I tip her head up with my fingers to her chin. “You never have to thank me for doing anything for you. I’m not used to the feelings running through me since meeting you; they’re foreign feelings I’ve never had before, but I do know this: I don’t want to be without you. I’d like to know you more. I want you to have the life you deserve. I want to help you find your brother and more information, but most of all, I want you, Anastasia, and whatever you want. Even if that means you just want to be friends. Whatever you want, I’ll do everything within my power to get it for you.” I’ve never made myself open to rejection before and I feel wound up tight waiting for her reply.
She makes my blood run faster.
When she pulls my hand from her chin, I just about deflate with defeat—a feeling I'm mostdefinitelynot used to—but then she lays it against her cheek. “I want to know you too, Gavriel. Even before all this, before knowing who you were or what kind of path you walk, I felt a connection to you I’ve never felt with anyone else.” I take a step closer as she takes a deep breath. “I’ve never been intimate with anyone. I’ve stopped all my attackers before they could get very far. I know you’ve been with women and know what to do, but I don’t. I don’t know how to be what you’re probably used to.” The innocence she’s always displayed is exactly that. True, untouched innocence.