"I was just fifteen years old the first time I used it to protect myself. A male caretaker came into my room after I'd just fallen asleep. I stabbed him repeatedly and felt so scared. Not for what I'd done but because of the deep satisfaction I got seeing my abuser in fear of me. Being on top of the food chain, so to speak. I was afraid I'd lost my last bit of humanity when I smiled at his pain. Maybe I did, maybe not, but I’ve used more than my trusty switchblade to defend myself. Always in defense of myself or someone else. So, my fear is not the blood on your hands or the things you’ve done to others in the name ofla famiglia, no, my fear is to go back to living life alone with no one watching my back.”

I’ve never allowed myself to be so vulnerable, but I had to tell them this because here with them, I feel like I’m with family, a family I don't want to lose. If they turned me away, I don’t think I could survive the heartbreak. My fears are misplaced, though.

Gavriel is the first to speak. “You’ll never have to fight alone again. I made my promise to you,mia bella, and I will keep it until my last breath. I don’t make promises often and when I do, I plan to follow through with it.” Walking over to me, he takes my hands, continuing, “You can trust me. Us.”

Looking at everyone nodding, I believe him. I kiss him on his cheek and tell him, “I know I can.”

“You’re stuck with us now,figlia,”Ziasays whileZiolooks too overcome with anger to speak; he tightly nods.

“I for one, plan to find these fuckers and skin them alive.” Marco’s light voice is brittle, like splintering glass. He looks just as pissed as he sounds.

I truly appreciate that, more than they’ll ever know, but right now I need to know more about these enemies they believe I may have.

Keeping my arm around Gavriel’s waist, I askZio, “So, why do you feel my brother and I may have enemies?”

Clearing his throat, he stands. “It’s nothing but a precaution. Your father was my underboss before he died, but this is a story that needs more time to tell. It’s three in the morning right now, so let’s have Gavriel get you comfortable for the night and we’ll have lunch tomorrow. Martina will check on your friend in the morning as well. Does that sound good,figlia?” Now that he mentioned the hour, I am really tired and I’d like to be alert when he tells me more.

“Yes,Zio. Thank you.” I kiss him andZiagood night and watch them leave the room.

“Carla is sleeping in my room. She didn’t want to stay anywhere else,” Marco says while drinking what looks to be bourbon. “Are we still going back to Temptation to question the dicks who tried to hurt them?” he asks Gavriel.

“Yes. Come,bella, I’ll show you to your room and make sure you have everything you need before leaving.”

Walking out, I note that I’m alone in the hallway, but I can hear Gavriel’s deep voice coming from an open doorway. I can’t understand everything he’s saying, but as I get closer, I can hear a woman's voice saying, "She's going to be fine, Marco, don't stress over it anymore. She just needs sleep and water. She'll have a headache when she wakes up and maybe some nausea, but she'll be fine,figlio."

I hear Carla's voice next. "Thank you, Mrs. Renzetti."

"Non era niente, ragazza. It was nothing. Just get some rest, hmm?" Mrs. Renzetti replies.

Pulling my shoulders back, I enter the room. I see Marco sitting next to a drowsy Carla. She looks better just sleepy as hell. Any other day I would’ve paid more attention to how Marco is staring at her like she’s a bright star in his dark sky, but today my attention is drawn to the regal woman with green eyes standing next to Gavriel.

She’s a sight to behold with an air of dominance about her even though she's all feminine. She has beautiful black hair hanging straight and boldly cut at her chin, with a blush pink top tucked into a high waist pencil skirt and high heels. She looks no older than forty-five years old. When she sees me, she grabs Gavriel's arm with a gasp.

Covering her mouth, I hear her soft voice. “Mio Dio, my God, you look just like her.”

I walk closer and offer my hand saying, “Hello, Mrs. Renzetti, my name is Anastasia Romero, but everyone calls me Sia.Piacere di conoscerti, you have a beautiful home.” Rambling. I’m fucking rambling like a damn fool in front of this woman. I mentally slap myself and keep my mouth shut.

Taking my hand, she says, “Martina, please. Or call meZia, that’s what you used to call me when you were a baby.” A few tears roll down her cheek when she suddenly pulls me into a fierce hug. I don’t mind it. I close my eyes and revel in the motherly love I feel radiating off her and hug with the same fierceness. Maybe it’s because she was my mother’s best friend or maybe it’s because, subconsciously I remember her. Either way, here in her arms I feel safe and complete.

When we separate, she continues holding my hand and leads me over to the small sitting area where Gavriel takes my jacket from me, revealing the Edgar Allan Poe quote that crosses my back from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. I feel his eyes read the words that speak to my inner-self.

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

When he sits next to me he takes my hand and shocks the hell out of me saying, "Sleep, those little slices of death; oh how I loathe thee." Gavriel just became even more enticing to me. A man who isn't just looks but brains also is fan-fucking-tastic but add in the hobby of reading?

Again, yes, daddy!

His mother sits across from us and watches our exchange with a big smile but doesn’t comment on our obvious spark. Instead, she brings us back down to earth with her seriousness. “I’m sure my son has told you that I was very close to your mother, Liliana DeLuca. She was like a little sister to me. She was your age when she met the love of her life, your father, Frankie Romano. They met when she was singing for me at my twentieth birthday party here in this very house. They fell in love almost instantly. A fairytale story, really. He made her the happiest I’d ever seen her and that happiness never faded. They married right away, the fastest engagement I'd ever seen, and soon after she had your brother, Luca.” This entire time I’ve been holding myself back from interrupting her, especially when she says my mother was a singer! But when she says I had a brother I can’t stop the words.

“I… I have a brother? Please,pleasetell me he’s alive.” Despite promising myself I wouldn’t cry anymore, I feel the tears flowing freely and try as I might, I can’t help the hope that blooms in my heart. A brother! I could have a brother out there somewhere and I have to find him.

"We don't know where Luca is," a deep, gravelly voice says from the doorway behind us.

Gavriel stands, taking me with him, and leads us toward the man who could only be his father. He's an older carbon copy of Gavriel and Marco. He has the same black hair but peppered with sliver throughout. He’s tall and broad-shouldered like his sons, wearing a three-piece suit. Tan skin with lines between his brows, as if he’s normally glowering, and though his black eyes shine with kindness, I can easily see the Mafia Boss within him. Like his wife, he radiates dominance, only his feels more predatory and barely contained. It has the hair on the back of my neck standing.

I can see where Gavriel gets his deadliness from.

"Father, this is—"