Page 8 of Tainted Wings

Chapter 4


The summer goes bypainfully slow. And surprisingly, the guys are always gone. As for where my mother's been... Well, I have no clue because I’ve never asked. But Mary has mentioned she works a lot with the higher-up angels, and she's a very busy woman. So she's not here a lot.

She sounds like a great parent.Sure, the guys are all twenty-one and can take care of themselves, but what about when they were younger? Were the adults gone all the time? Who took care of the guys while they were away? Did they have nannies?

Sounds like a lonely life to me, but at least they had each other. My dad might be the King of Hell, but he was a pretty active father behind closed doors. He gave off the illusion to his followers that he was a cold hearted, evil man, and he can be, but I guess, the moment I was born, something in his black heart lightened up. I don’t know the real story between my parents, and I’ve never felt like it was my place to ask.

All I know is when she gave birth to me, she handed me over to my dad and was never seen again. He told me she would check-in from time to time, but I guess Hell is a place she’s not willing to visit. It’s not like she would burst into flames or anything. That’s all rumors.

Since no one was really around, I spent the whole summer by myself. The only time I saw the guys was when I sat on my balcony and they were out back swimming. Or when Isaac was watching a girl leave from his bedroom door and I happened to be in the hallway. For a pure blood angel, he’s quite the man whore. It didn’t take me long to understand how his feathers stayed white when he was fucking girls like a horny mutt.

Every time an angel does something that God deemed a sin, like having sex before marriage or with someone who isn’t your fated mate, they would get a black feather.

I’m not sure how they treat you once that happens, but I can only assume it's not very nicely. And being the sons of God’s right hand men, they would need to be poster children. I guess they found a way to have their cake and eat it too, even if that means putting themselves in excruciating pain, because plucking a feather is like having one of your fingers slowly ripped from your body. They are a part of us just like any other body part. Removing one causes a severe amount of pain, but with the lack of reaction from Isaac, he must have grown accustomed to it.

The idea of him being with those girls bothers me. I don't know why. I don't even know the guy.

I tried not to spend too much time stuck in the house. I’ve been jogging almost daily, stopping at my new favorite spot every time, spending hours just feeling relaxed and at peace. Sometimes I’ll roam the grounds, enjoying the maze they have on the far left side of the property. I could get lost in there for hours, and when I’ve had enough, I just fly myself out.

Now, school starts on Monday, and I find myself growing more nervous by the day. Thankfully, with online shopping, I was able to get all of my school supplies and have gotten everything I need.

There's a knock at my door. It’s probably just Mary bringing me clean towels. I’ve had to ask her to just let me keep mine in my room, because the guys always used up the clean ones before I got a chance to shower. They might be dicks, but at least they’re clean.

Pressing pause on the TV show I’m watching, I roll off my bed and answer the door.

It’s not Mary standing there, it's my mother and she’s holding up a black garment bag.

“Abby, honey.” She smiles like she hasn’t been gone for most of the summer and only spoken a few words to me since she dropped me off. For someone who wanted me to come here so she could get to know me, she sure doesn’t act like it.

“Hi,” I say, emotionless. “Is there something you wanted?” I raise a brow.

“Can I come in?” she asks, hopefully. Sighing, I step back and open the door for her to enter.

“What’s in the bag?” I ask, as she beelines for my closet. She hangs it up, unzips it, and pulls out a white and light grey uniform. “Please don’t tell me that's for me.”

“Of course it is,” she says, laying it out on the bed. “There's seven, one for each day so you will never have a dirty one.”

Lovely, the school has uniforms.Of course it does.

“I had them custom ordered for you, with your name stitched on the jacket pocket.” She holds it up to show me.

“Great.” Well, at least, they can’t make fun of me for my style if we're all wearing the same thing.

Looking at the clothes on the bed, I see a light grey jacket, skirt, and stockings along with a crisp white dress shirt. I hate wearing white. It’s always see-through, gets dirty and stains too easily.

“There’s also heels and tennis shoes,” she says, taking a box out of the bottom of the bag.

At least I have a choice in footwear. I’m not a ‘heel’ kind of girl. Hell’s layout isn't really meant for that.

“So, how was your summer?” she asks, putting everything neatly away in my closet before moving to stand in front of me.

“It was okay, I guess. A little lonely. I usually spend it with my best friend, Leo. But, I made do,” I tell her, finding the small chit-chat kind of awkward. The thought of Leo makes my heart clench. I feel like I'm slowly going mad without him. I miss him beyond words. Our bond might not be officially cemented, but the spark has a strong pull, even through other dimensions it seems.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t around very much. My job keeps me pretty busy.” She gives me a pitying smile.

“What exactly do you do?”