Page 67 of Tainted Wings

I huff out a laugh. “Well, I’m the school freak, but hey, at least the teachers aren’t too bad.”

“Why are you even going there? I know it’s some big-wig school and all, but is it worth it?” Libby asks.

“It’s part of the deal with me staying on Earth. Three years at the academy, then I go back to Hell to rule alongside my father.” The idea makes my belly turn.

“Are you really going to go back there?” Her eyes widen, then she looks to her brother. “What about you?”

“No,” Zed says, then looks to me. “We’re finding a way to get you out of the obligation to him. If it was something you really wanted to do, I’d go with you. But I know it’s not.”

I bite my lip, trying to hold back tears. He’s right, it’s not. But the idea of disappointing my dad makes me sick.

“Well, we have a few years to worry about that and figure something out,” Leo says, turning the conversation, and I thank him for that.

“How’s living with Zed’s brother?” Libby asks, her nose scrunching up at the mention of him.

“He’s a pain in my ass,” I mutter, and she laughs. “Himandhis friends. They’re always in my business and don’t know when to get a life.”

“I kind of feel sorry for them,” she says, and Zed’s head snaps up to her, giving her a glare. “What?” she says. “I mean, they have to marry the Heathers.” She fake gags, and we burst out laughing.

“How do you know who they are?” Leo asks.

“My friends and I ran into them on the beach.” She rolls her eyes. “They were on their side and we were on ours, but we were close enough to the property line to hear how they all couldn’t wait to have money and status and hot humans on their arms.”

That makes something inside me stir. Why does the idea of those women only wanting the guys for what they can offer in material things and status in their little society make me pissed off? I shouldn’t care. Yet, for some reason I do.

“I wonder if they will be there tomorrow night?” Leo asks, looking at me.

“God, I hope not.” I groan.

“Tomorrow?” Zed’s mom asks.

“Ah, yeah,” I say. “I guess there’s a supper I’m being forced to go to. Guess God’s top dogs are coming back for a visit.”

“You haven’t met them yet?” her brows pitch.

“Nope,” I tell her. “Been there for three months and not once have they come home. Hell, I don’t even see my mother at all really. Found out she’s staying at some fancy resort on the island. Said she wanted to give the guys the place to themselves because they're twenty-one and are adults.”

“So she brought you here, is making you go to that horrible school while living alone with three boys, and she’s not even there at all?”

“Nope. Mother of the year award,” I say sarcastically.

“Hey.” She reaches across the table, placing her hand on mine. “You don’t need her.” She gives me a sad smile. “You're my daughter now.”

A sob lodges in the back of my throat as my eyes tear up at her words. She really is an amazing woman, and I will do whatever I can to keep the roof over their heads and food on the table for them. I hate that she has to work so hard, same with Zed.

I can’t speak right now, not trusting my voice, so I just nod.

She gives my hand a pat and starts talking to Zed about how his work at the auto shop is going. I’m grateful that she lets the harder topics go.

At first, I was hurt that my mother would bring me all the way here just to never see me. But I got over it, not letting her have that hold over me. I’m going to enjoy my time, just in case this is all I get. I won’t take it for granted. I’ve met my mates, I’ve made some really good friends, and as long as I have them at my side, I can handle the snide comments and dirty looks. It’s not like they would do much else... right?

AFTER WE HAD BREAKFAST, we moved into the living room and talked for a little while longer before Zed’s mother had to go to bed.

Zed offered to walk me home, but I told him to stay home and spend some time with his sister. I know he’s busy, and has been using all his free time for me. They are really close, even though at first glance it looks like they want to bite the other’s head off, I can see how much he loves his little sister, and it makes me love him even more.

So, Leo walks me home. It’s mostly quiet and peaceful as we walk hand in hand home.

“I’m gonna miss you,” Leo says, pulling me into his arms as we stop at the front gate to the mansion.