Page 65 of Tainted Wings

Chapter 20


Last night was oneof the best nights of my life. I’ve never felt so complete, my heart never feeling so full than it does right now.

I wake up between two warm bodies.This is never going to get old.

“Zed, honey,” a woman’s voice calls from downstairs.

My eyes go wide, and I look at Zed, who’s still sound asleep. I’ve been laying here for about twenty minutes, just enjoying the buzz my body has from having both my mates with me.

“Zed,” I say, shaking him.

“Five more minutes, then I’ll eat your sweet pussy just the way you like it,” he mumbles in his sleep.Well, that sounds like an amazing offer.You know, if his mother wasn’t coming up the stairs, her footsteps getting closer and closer.

“Maybe he’s still asleep,” another voice says, and I really start to freak out. “Hey, grease monkey, wake up!” His bedroom door crashes open, still unlocked after Leo joined us in bed last night.

A girl, my age, stands there in his doorway, her hair long and black, dressed in PJ bottoms and a hoodie.

“Hi,” I say lamely, giving her a wave as I force a smile onto my face.

She grins at me as she takes in both of my mates snuggled up to me like I’m their teddy bear. Her expression is one of amusement.

Zed moves, pulling me closer as his hand creeps up to my breast. Thank god I’m not naked right now, or this would be traumatizing.

“Libby, is he awake?” Zed’s mom asks, moving to stand next to her daughter. She looks in the room, her brows jumping as she meets my eyes. My face heats hotter than Hell, and I do what I did to Zed’s sister and give her a wave. “Oh.”

“Nope, not awake, but looks like he’s feeling his mate up in his sleep. Regular prince charming right there,” she laughs, and I can’t help but join her.

“What’s so funny, Little Bird?” Zed’s voice is husky with sleep.

“You, you butthead,” Libby says.

Zed’s head snaps up, and he looks over to the door, taking in his mom and sister who are watching us. He groans before shoving his face back down into my tits. “Hi Mom. Hi Libby.”

“Hi Zed. How about you and your mate, and her mate, get up and come downstairs for breakfast. I’ll make you some, and we can chat a bit so I can meet your mate officially before I go to bed.”

“Kay,” he mutters, sounding like he’s going back to sleep, as if this isn’t weird at all.

His sister takes in both guys again before letting out a sigh. “I want to be you someday,” she says. “Two mates. Lucky bitch.” And with that she turns to leave.

“Libby!” Zed hollers out, but his sister just flips him off without looking back. “Sorry about her, she’s a shithead.”

“It’s fine,” I laugh. “They both seem pretty cool.”

“Mom’s amazing, Libby is alright,” he says, looking up at me with a grin.

“Alright, Sleeping Beauty, time to get up.” I nudge Leo. He mumbles but rolls over. “Leo, want some bacon?” That has him springing up in bed.

“Bacon?” he looks at me, his eyes still half closed, his blond hair a mess.

I snort, shaking my head. “Come on, let's get up.”

We all climb out of bed, and I stretch, hissing as I remember what happened last night.

“Are you okay, Little Bird?” Zed is at my side in a flash, guilt and concern clouding his handsome face.

“I’m fine.” I smile up at him, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him tight. He hugs me back, kissing the top of my head.