Page 62 of Tainted Wings

“Okay.” She nods. “I’m just gonna find the bathroom first.”

I nod, kissing her one last time before giving her a little push in the direction of the bathroom. This place might be abandoned, but we had the water and electricity turned on because we're here partying often. As long as someone pays the bills, they really don’t care.

“You mind sleeping on the couch tonight?” I ask Leo as we leave the main crowd to wait for Abby.

“Nah, man,” he laughs, shaking his head. “You get your mate. Just make sure she has a good time.”

“Oh, trust me.” I grin. “It’s my life’s mission to please our mate.”

“It’s pretty fucking addicting.” He nods.

“So is she.”


MY MATES JUST MADEme cum in front of a room full of people, and I fucking loved it. The power I felt knowing they were mine. That there were women in that room watching from the shadows, wishing they were me, but they never will be because Leo and Zed are mine.

“Did you see them? They were fucking on the dance floor, how fucking trashy,” a girl says as she enters the bathroom. I get up off the toilet, putting my panties and skirt back into place but waiting on flushing as I listen, knowing they have to be talking about me and the guys.

“Don’t worry. It won't be long before Zed realizes he misses me. I always rocked his world, and he always came back for more. This demon bitch is just some momentary distraction.” I recognize the voice from Zed’s back yard. It’s his ex, the one who was sleeping with Isaac.

“But aren’t they mates?” the first girl asks.

“So he says, but I think he’s just trying to make me jealous.”

Rolling my eyes, I have no need to stand here and listen to them trash talk me. So I flush and open the stall door. Their eyes snap to me, lips curling as they take me in.

“Wanna know what’s really trashy?” I ask as I wash my hands.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Zed’s ex hisses.

“You said a moment ago that I was trashy,” I say, turning to her as I dry my hands on the paper towel. “But anyway, what’s really trashy is sleeping with your ex-boyfriend’s little brother. I don’t know what you expected to accomplish, but now both of them want nothing to do with you.”

“You're nothing,” she sneers. “Just a fun new little toy.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. You, you’re a dark angel, there’s thousands of you here on Earth. Your mother is no one important, and same with your father. But me? My dad is the king of Hell. My mom is married to one of God’s top dogs. I have three of the highest bloodlines in me. But even with all that, I still don’t think I’m better than everyone else. How about you stop being a bitch, and try doing something with your life? Now, if you don’t mind, I have two hot as sin mates waiting for me outside,” I tell her, before stepping around her. I pause at the door before turning around to say one last thing to her.

“Oh, and Zed wasn’t lying. We are mates, and after tonight we're going to be bound together for life. So, if you don’t want me to light your ass on fire, stay away from my man. And if I see you in my house again, I’ll be sure that you don’t step back on that side of the island again.”

I turn back around and leave, finding my men waiting for me outside. They pause their conversation to turn and look at me. Two sets of hungry eyes lock on mine, making me want more than what happened on the dance floor.

“Ready to go?”

WE WALKED BACK TO ZED’Splace because the party wasn’t too far from his house. My car is still in his driveway with Penny not needing it to get home after all.

Just as we were about to leave the party, I told the guys I wanted to find Penny and let her know we were going so that we could see her to my car safely, but that’s when Zed told me Penny had already left.

I was so confused as to why she didn’t let me know, but Zed told me one of his buddies, Bennett, ended up being Penny’s mate, and they took off together.

That didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t feel comfortable letting my best friend go off with a complete stranger. I already felt bad enough for not spending much time with her at the party, but she seemed to get along with people very easily. She seems so much more social when it’s not asshole Pure Bloods turning their noses up at her.

I felt that way tonight, too. When we got to the party, I found out my bad boy was a lot more popular than I thought. Everyone seemed chill, and the night was pretty fun.

Well, more like amazing. I don’t know what it is about these boys, but when I’m around them, my body is open, theirs for the taking. I love them, their touches, their kisses, their smell. I crave it, the pull to be around them getting stronger with each bond.

“He’s sleeping,” I whisper with a grin as I look over at Leo, who’s passed out on the couch next to us. A snore slips out, and I hold back a giggle.

“Come on, Little Bird. You're with me tonight. You can sleep when I’m done with you.”