Page 34 of Tainted Wings

Chapter 12


After we leave Zed’splace, Leo and I go to his dorm. We were going to go back to my place, but I thought it would be better to wait until I can be with both of them tomorrow. So I help him set up his room and put all his things away.

The look on his face when I showed him online shopping is funny, but when I took the card my mom gave me and bought him everything he's going to need while living here for the next three years, that sure was hilarious. He thinks I'm crazy to spend that much on him. But after finding out what the man whose money I’m spending had done, I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt.

I might not be into all the flashy, expensive things, but I’d be more than happy to use his money to get the ones I love what they need. I plan on helping out Zed and his mom too because this money is owed to them. I understand why his mother didn’t want to take it from him when he offered. I know she had more pride than to take pity money, but if I’m the one buying it, maybe it will be different.

When I get home that night, I run into Mary. She is sweet enough to heat me up some leftovers. She sits and talks with me while I eat, and it’s nice to have a few moments with an adult that seems to care about you.

Saying thank you and goodnight, I head up to my room for some much needed sleep. Using my powers always seems to drain me. My father says it’s because I don’t use them enough. He was never able to understand why I don’t like to use them. I could be one of the most powerful creatures alive if I wanted to be. But I don’t.

Using my powers just reminds me how different I am from everyone else. Not a full demon, not a full angel. Not like everyone else. Not that I wanna be like everyone anyway. I like who I am, and I don’t feel the need to please anyone. But if it helps to lessen dirty looks and whispers, it doesn’t hurt to try and not stick out.

When I wake up in the morning, I’m happy it’s the weekend. I don’t have to go to school and be around all those prissy Pure Bloods, but then I remember the guys are having a little party. They made sure to tell me how unwelcome I was in their space and how I should stay in my room.

I told Isaac to fuck off, and I’d rather shove needles in my eyes than go to their lame ass parties.

I might not have been very social in Hell, but Leo and I would go to a party or two from time to time. It’s not like anyone there would ever tell me to fuck off. We went because the music was good and the drinks were decent. Once you get a few drinks in me, I tend to forget all my worries and just get lost in the music.

I’ve missed just blasting my music in my room as I sing along. However, every time I’ve tried, the guys would pound on my door telling me to shut the fuck up and turn the music off, which is total bullshit because I hear not-so-Godly music coming from their rooms or the basement all the time.Hypocritical pricks.

“You're lucky I like your cute ass because I’d really like to be anywhere else but here,” Zed mutters as we walk through the gates to the mansion.

“I know, but we need to expand our places to hang out. As much as I love the gazebo, maybe I just wanna curl up in my soft bed and be snuggled between my two mates,” I say, lacing my fingers through his, bringing his hand up to kiss the back of it, looking up at him with a beaming smile.

He lets out a little growl that has my body reacting instantly. “You're not playing fair when you say things like that.”

Biting my lower lip, I know I got him.

“Well, as much as I’d also like to be anywhere but here, it's nice to not have someone knocking on the door making sure I’m staying ‘Pure’. They really don’t have any boundaries,” Leo huffs as I take his hand in my free one.

“It’s because I was over.” I giggle. “I think even though we’re mates, they’re afraid were gonna have wild, crazy, animal sex or something.”

This time Leo lets out a little growl, and I look up to find his eyes blazing with heat. “Thanks, Starbright, now I have that image in my head.” At first I thought I made him mad, but when I follow his hand down to his pants, I see it had the opposite effect. I can’t look away as I watch him adjust his impressively sized bulge.

He clears his throat, and my eyes snap up to his. Leo has an adorable blush on his cheeks. “Sorry, but it's hard not to react when it comes to you. Even without the bond, I don’t think much would change.”

“It’s okay,” I squeak, my mind going to all the things I want to do with him. I really want us to be each other’s first, and the more time I spend with him being able to touch him, the more I think about when would be a good time?

I don’t want to force it, letting things happen when it's meant to be, but damn, it's hard not to think about sex all the time when you have two hot-as-sin mates who treat you like you're the center of their world.

Zed chuckles deeply, rubbing his finger against the back of my hand before bringing the hand that still has mine, over to his dick, and proceeds to adjust himself too, with my hand rubbing against his really big, thick cock. These two are going to be the death of me.

My eyes widen as I look up at him partly in shock. He just smirks down at me, giving me a wink before looking forward.

“I don’t think their guests have arrived yet, so hopefully we can sneak up to my room without being seen and avoid these assholes. I already stocked my room with snacks,” I tell them as I open the front door.

There are no signs of anyone downstairs, but I can hearBangarangby Skrillex blasting from the next level of the house.

“Come on,” I encourage them, guiding them up the stairs. When we get to the second floor, I stop at the bottom of the second set of stairs. “I gotta pee real quick, there’s no bathroom up there for us to use, just go up these stairs, and my room is the one with the sign that says ‘No Stepbrothers or friends allowed. Fuck off or I’ll go all demon on your ass’.” I tell them, grinning as they start to laugh.

“Of course, it is,” Leo says with amusement as he and Zed start to make their way up.

Quickly, I pee and wash my hands. As I’m leaving the bathroom, I almost bump into a naked chest, catching myself with a quick step back before I make contact.

“Watch where you're going, Spawny,” Luke's gruff voice has me backing up more. He watches me as he puts his shirt on. My eyes flick to behind him, where the music is blasting from, and the door is still cracked open. He grabs the handle, slamming it shut behind him before glaring down at me with a hateful look and taking off down the hall to his room.