Page 25 of Tainted Wings

I miss them, I miss how things used to be before the Heathers were dumped on us. But things haven't been the same between us, especially since Abby arrived. It’s my fault, but as long as she's here, I don’t see life being what it was.

That’s why it's so damn important to get her the fuck out of here, and send her back to Hell where her devil-spawned-ass belongs.Her tight, toned, sexy ass.

Damn it! Now my cock is twitching as I think of how her ass would jiggle as I fucked her from behind, a hand full of her hair gripped tightly as the sound of our skin slapping together fills the air.

She’s with her friends at the scholarship table like she always is since the first day at school. She’s been hanging out with that Penny girl lately, but she’s never brought her back to the house. Of course, the outcasts would welcome her with open arms.

And when she's not with Penny, she's with him. Zed. Fucking Zed. Of all the guys she had to make friends with, why did it have to behim?

Something catches my attention, drawing my gaze to the food court entrance. A blond guy walks in, looking awkward as fuck as his eyes dart around the room. He looks nervous as he searches for something.

When his eyes land on Abby, his whole face lights up.Who is this guy? And how the fuck does he know Abby?

He starts heading over to her table. Penny looks behind Abby, giving the mystery man a curious look. She leans in, whispering something to Abby. Abby looks over her shoulder at the guy behind her. He stops, and they lock eyes. Abby does nothing for a moment, but I can see tears forming in her eyes. Although, she doesn't look sad to see him. No, she practically sends her chair flying as she breaks the intense moment they were having so she can take off running towards him.

“Leo!” she cries with so much joy, her voice breaking with emotion.

The hand on my thigh tightens in warning as I let out a growl from deep within my chest. Looking over at Luke, he gives me a look. His eyes asking me why the fuck do I care who she’s touching?

And I don’t, or at least that's what I’m trying to tell myself. But the way they are looking at each other sends a feeling through my fucking soul I don’t understand.

One thing I do know is, I need to find out who the fuck that guy is because I know he’s not one of us. I don’t need any more outsiders at my school.


HE’S HERE. I CAN’Tbelieve he's really here, in my arms. I must be dreaming. The moment I step back from his embrace and open my eyes, he’ll be gone because I’m not lucky enough to have my best friend, my favorite person in the world, really be here, am I?

But the humming in my body from our spark the more we touch tells me a different story.

His spicy cinnamon scent invades my nose, and I grin against his chest, knowing this is real. His arms tighten around me as he buries his face into my hair.

“I missed you so fucking much, Starbright,” he murmurs, so only I can hear him. Hearing his nickname for me does funny things to my heart.

“I missed you too,” I rasp, emotion caught in my throat. Moving so I can look into his eyes, I ask, “What are you doing here?”

Demons don’t get to just leave whenever they want. They need to be summoned or have permission from my father directly.

“Well, I’m one of the new scholarship students here now.” He gives me a shy smile.

“What?!” I gasp with excitement, a smile stretching across my face. “How?”

He looks around to make sure no one is listening in. They're all openly watching, but no one is close enough to hear.

“Your dad was worried you were having a hard time here. He wanted someone to look out for you, and keep you company.”

Damn it, Dad. You might be the Devil, but you never cease to amaze me when it comes to how much you love me.

“Not that you need anyone looking out for you because you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself,” he quickly adds. “Also, you know I jumped at the chance to be near you. This past summer was pure Hell... get it?” He grins, making me laugh at his corny joke.

Shaking my head, I laugh. “I’m just so glad you're here. I’ve made some friends, and it's helped, but I’ve been missing you like crazy.” I don’t mention Zed yet, thinking that conversation is meant for anywhere else but here.

We just stare into one another's eyes, still embraced in each other's arms. The bond is making my body hum with need. And for once, I don’t pull away and deny destiny.

Leaning up onto my tippy-toes, I press my lips to his. His eyes widen in surprise, but quickly flutter closed as I move my lips against his. Closing my own, we kiss sweetly, but it's packed with so much passion. Everything feels right in the world for the first time. Why have I been so stupid in denying something I’ve been craving for so long? This feels so right, so perfect.

“Wow, living up to your reputation, I see. And being so bold to break one of the biggest rules in this school in front of the entire student body,” a cocky as Hell voice comes from behind me.

Breaking away from the kiss, I turn to see Isaac, Luke, and Noah standing there with guarded looks on their faces. Their trophy-wife-wannabes standing behind them, arms crossed with smug looks on their faces like they just got handed the golden ticket to get me kicked out of their school.