Page 80 of Love Me Once

“We are just talking. And drinking wine, Francisco,” her father said. “It’s a beautiful day here in the valley. I’m so lucky to be back with my family. Oh, have you heard? Shelene and Ana-María are planning a party to welcome Roman home.”

“I’m doing it for you too, Papa.”

He laughed. “And I promise to enjoy every moment of it. I might even dance with your aunt, if she will accept my steps will be a little slower. You’ll need to invite Oliver and Mrs. Spencer as well. I am sure they would enjoy the varied company a ball would provide,” her father said.

“Yes, a joyous party would be just the thing,” her uncle said.

* * * * *

A certain tension filled the valley. Livestock had been killed, their carcasses hauled away. Buildings had been burned, far from Las Colinas’ immediate buildings, but on the vast estate. Small huts that sheltered shepherds while they herded. Lean-tos that kept larger animals sheltered from storms and heat. Meant to agitate more than cause panic.

Francisco Belgrano was also back.

One could not happen without the other.

Roman had asked that the information be kept between him and Brahim. Mostly, he wanted to keep Shelene safe, and Brahim was quick to recognize Roman as the head of the household, even with the commodore home and the rightful head of the family. Once Belgrano made an obvious misstep, Roman would share his plans with Shelene. Until then he would stay as close as Shelene would allow.

He waited in the courtyard, expecting to hear her determined footfalls any moment, and at the familiar sound he glanced up.

“Good morning again, Roman.”

“Antonio was rather happy this morning. He must be overjoyed to be with his father again,” he said, taking Shelene’s hand and kissing the back of it. She allowed this courtesy.

“Or he had intestinal vapors,” she said as they took the few steps toward their breakfast table.

Roman laughed while he held a chair for her. Coffee and tea were set in front of them, followed by breads, jams, honey, cheese and anything else in the Las Colinas larder that would fit on the table.

After a few bites, he said. “I think it would be a good idea if I stayed at Las Colinas for the next few weeks. Now that your uncle has returned, it necessitates change.”

“You are my neighbor. I don’t think it is a good idea to have a neighbor stay in my home when that neighbor has such a nice home himself.” She sipped her coffee, holding her cup with both hands.

“And what would your husband say?” He raised one brow.

Shelene hid her expression behind another sip. “We are estranged.”

“How unfortunate. A woman as beautiful as you. So young and vibrant. Your husband is a fool.”

“Yes, you are, Roman. But I’m just your wife. Why listen to me?”

“For everyone’s peace of mind, consider it. You have an estate full of people who rely upon you. And you have an estate full of family who would do anything to protect you.”

“Uncle hasn’t made a nuisance of himself since his return. I think everything will be fine. And he has been quite helpful while Tía Ana-María and I plan our grand celebration.”

“Is it too late to convince you that the party should be delayed?”

“I owe our friends and neighbors a celebration since my wedding was cancelled so abruptly. And they all want to welcome Papa home, too. I thought you were learning to accept Uncle’s return since you’ve said nothing in the days since he’s been back. That doesn’t seem like something a lion would do. Ignore a threat.”


“The Lion of England? My uncle said—”

“Pay no attention to such drivel. I was a king’s man doing my job.” He hmpfed. “I’ve gone my entire career without being reminded of that bit of foolishness.” Except for the occasional barbs from his friends.

“It has a certain appeal. I’m sure it put the fear of God in your enemies.”

“Not like you’d think. But Shelene, this is a serious matter.” He put his hand over hers. “I told him he had to leave. That deadline is fast approaching.”

“What will you do if he doesn’t?” She pulled her hand away and dished a spoonful of roasted potatoes and eggs onto her plate.