Sakina and two of her daughters were busy cleaning tables, weaving in and around, almost invisible in their efficiency. Slowly everyone melted away, finding their assigned bedrooms. Shelene glanced around, ready for her own bed, even though she would not sleep.
Uncle Francisco sat still in a darkened corner. She saw the cigarillo’s burning red tip. Shelene shivered. Did she know the man at all? She had accepted the news of his pardon with joy, completely oblivious to the fact he could have been lying about that as well.
With this monstrous complication, Shelene was reminded of her uncle’s duplicitous nature, which in her grief and anger, she’d disregarded. A pardon from the King could blind anyone.
She smiled and went to sit next to him. Well, factually, she didn’t know if he’d plotted against Roman. If not, it was a horribly inconvenient coincidence that worked in his favor more than hers. He’d always wanted Mama’s estate, but Gabriella Belgrano was the oldest daughter. And Francisco had gotten into trouble with the Spanish royal family well beforeAbuelohad died. He had no reason to change his will or reward his son with the family wealth when his son was such a dangerous criminal.
Had Uncle promised something to Raúl Navarro to obtain Las Colinas? He was the one who had made introductions between the two of them. Raúl didn’t need the properties. He was lavishly rich with multiple properties near Barcelona. Oh dear God, it wasn’t possible, was it? Had Uncle Francisco traded her in an agreement with Raúl? The sale would have been easily accomplished once she and Raúl had been married for few years. Or a few months…
What would Raúl have done to convince Shelene they must sell Las Colinas? Could he convince her? Pressure her? Well, she would never know now.
“What a bizarre evening,” she said. “And can you believe, Señor Navarro thinks he is to blame?”
“Fate is a strange thing.”
“Fate? Or something more akin to human error?”
“What do you mean,” he said without emotion. He tilted his head to examine her, while she prayed her expression gave away nothing of the doubts swirling in her mind. Only with Roman could she express her sentiments—her love, her anger, her joys—without censuring her thoughts.
“Your man is obviously not very dependable,” she clarified.
“The account was wholly reliable. Señor Forrester must have the lives of an alley cat and the accuracy of a Swiss timepiece to arrive tonight of all nights. Needless to say, I am happy for you, niece.”
“Roman will have a say about Las Colinas.”
“My first thought, too. It is doubtful he knows about my pardon. Perhaps that will give him a different perspective on my past. But if he wishes me to leave, of course I will.”
“I can’t speak for him—”
“I am surprised you would even allow him in your life. Weren’t you perusing an annulment some months back? My pardon, if I am wrong.”
“At the time, I didn’t know I was pregnant with his child. Had I known, I would not have been so hasty. The differences we had will undoubtedly be magnified given the time that has past, so who can say what will be happen in the foreseeable future.”
“Perhaps you were a bit too hasty sending Señor Navarro away. He could have been a help to you.”
“Should I hang on to Raúl as a monkey, trying to grasp the next vine? He is an honorable man and I have a set of issues that must be resolved on my own.”
“I am here to assist, Shelene. You do not need to bring Señor Forrester into our family spectacle.”
“It is only a spectacle because I no longer believed I was married.”
“And you think being a Spanish divorcee would bring you the respect our family deserves?” he spat. “It is bad enough that you are half-English. That Las Colinas’ blood line will be further diluted in the future by your quarter-blood son.” Uncle Francisco sat up, his forearms braced against his knees. “Forrester is a dog. He does not deserve you! A Belgrano married to a weak English whoreson!”
“Roman does not know you are here. I would suggest you make your way to Malaga or Cordoba. You have friends there still, I think.”
“But no family.”
“Are we that important to you? I know of your desires, Uncle, though I may not understand them. There is no power here, only the lowly honor of tilling the land and feeding its people. Pursue your dreams elsewhere.”
“I will not leave Belgrano land so easily.”
“Must I remind you about the man I am married to? Roman and I may no longer have the bond we once did, but he will protect what he thinks is his.”
“You are warning me? Me?”
“Only because you are family. I suspect Roman will be here sometime tomorrow. Please leave tonight. I won’t be responsible for whatever past wrongs the two of you need to settle. And how you decide to settle them.”
“I have a pardon from the King of Spain. He can do nothing to me.”