Page 44 of Love Me Once

“Never!” he said, smiling, then squeezed hand. He was a good man. Older than Shelene by twenty years, but well-respected, handsome and approved by her uncle as a suitable replacement husband for Roman. Perhaps if Shelene had met Raúl first…

But she hadn’t. And she’d never once looked at another man after meeting Roman. She thought she was done deluding herself, but the small lies she told herself about the past, about her future, about Antonio’s life—all of it contributed to the plaguing doubts that she was rushing into this marriage. She was, she knew.

Her uncle had nearly demanded the union. No, hehaddemanded the union. He was adamant that she could not remain unmarried and manage the estate with any sort of efficiency or intelligence. Certainly not while pregnant. Certainly not as a matriarch of sorts to the Belgrano family. Certainly not!

Without the possibility of Roman at her side, she wasn’t so confident in herself, as she once was. For once in her life, she experienced the bend of her spine, the melting of her iron will.

How she wished her uncle hadn’t come back at all. How she wished Roman had brought him back in chains.

Instead, Francisco had come back with a pardon in hand, from the King of Spain no less. Ready to reclaim part of his birthright. At least he could not claim Las Colinas. Mother had inherited it, and Mother had willed it to Shelene. Papa would have had the estate had he not died so suddenly. But, in the end, it was hers.

Raúl deposited her near her aunt, only to be interrupted by Uncle Francisco. “Shelene, is it my turn to dance with the soon-to-be-bride?”

“Perhaps later, Uncle.”

“Oh, my dear. My dance card is full and the time to be seen as a united family is now.” He held out his hand, knowing she wouldn’t deny him. She wouldn’t make a scene, not at this point. Perhaps Raúl, as her husband, would stand up to her uncle. Maybe even send him away. “We must dance the zambra. It is a wonderful tradition.”

Well, Shelene wasn’t taking off her shoes at anyone’s request.

He led her to the floor and executed a perfect bow. The guitars played, a few of the single woman had castanets and the audience clapped with perfect timing. It was a slower dance. The flamenco dancers would perform soon, and it was likely she and Raúl would partner later in the paso doble.

Shelene wasn’t going to interfere in the celebration that everyone set out to enjoy. The dance went quickly, and thankfully Raúl waited for her with a drink, which she gratefully accepted.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for you, Shelene.SeñorNavarro will lift the family’s fortune for decades to come.”

“Yes, Uncle,” she said. He’d repeated that mantra several times over the past several weeks.

“I know you think I was being harsh—”

“Not harsh,” she said. “Unreasonable. I was taught how to run Las Colinas from a young age. And I have all the help I need to make the estate even more prosperous.”

“This isn’t an English estate. Work is required. Labors that young ladies were never meant to perform. Señor Navarro can see well to your future.”

“Indeed, I will,” Raúl said, completely oblivious to Uncle Francisco’s maneuvering.

“The estate will be Antonio’s, until that day I have a daughter. He is half-English, and he may choose a different direction for Las Colinas. I will keep him in mind when I make decisions, of course.” She smiled at Raúl, and he lifted his glass to acknowledge her wishes. For the time being. Spanish husbands weren’t known to be as pliable and accommodating as English husbands. Shelene sipped at her drink, wishing it was a stiff Scottish whisky.

She’d never thought of Antonio as anything but half-English, because she’d never considered herself English at all. Would that make a difference when he was an adult, deciding his future? She couldn’t think about it now.

She turned to her uncle and said, “Thank you for the dance.” She was relieved when he went away. Tía Ana-María patted the cushion beside her. Shelene bent to kiss her cheek. “Are you enjoying yourself? I don’t see you gossiping as you love to do.”

“There is no time to gossip, not tonight. Why, I am far too busy ensuring the success of the evening.”

Shelene smiled benevolently, knowing it was Sakina and her family who were doing all the hard work necessary for the party’s success. The tables of food were laden with every meat, cheese, bread, vegetable and fruit that Las Colinas could produce. And the table of desserts included churros, flan,ponche segovianoand apple tarts.

“Everything is absolutely beautiful, isn’t it?” Shelene said.

“Everything, my dearest,” her aunt said.

Shelene felt tears start and she quickly pulled the drink to her lips. She listened to the talk of rebuilding Spain, the beauty of Las Colinas, the new estate being built nearby, the future, the wedding. He heart pounded uncomfortably in her chest.

There was every reason to be joyful.

If only she loved Raúl, as she had loved Roman. If only she loved him at all.

If only her uncle had not arrived, washed clean of his past atrocities with the swipe of the King’s signature and seal.

If only her uncle’s man had not arrived later and bore the tragic news of Roman’s demise.