Page 89 of Wicked Scoundrel

Chapter Eighteen

“Consider this froma sincere friend: you look like a horse and carriage ran you over,” Jack Sparling said, as he took a seat opposite Matthew’s desk.How he felt was probably worse than how he looked.Isaac had at least tied a very neat, simple cravat this morning.

“I haven’t slept for nearly two full days.No one told me that ball hosts are inconvenienced beyond measure, even with a house loaded with servants.”The combination of whisky and gaming had been too much for some lords and they had indulged until eleven this morning.Their wives had gone home without them, the carriages returning later.Matthew departed for his London offices soon after.

“Have you learned anything about Sandhurst?”Matthew asked.He failed to mention to Jack he hadn’t talked to his wife since their tense meeting at her bedroom door.Howthatlooked must surely paint him in the worst possible light.

“It’s only been two days, as you say, but I did locate his regimental commander.Do you want to attend the meeting with me?”


“Tomorrow, but he seemed amenable to another time if necessary.”

“Yes, but tomorrow I already have meetings.”He decided not to wait to see Welliver.It was his original plan to take Archie and Bobby with him, but he didn’t know when Archie would be back from America.Now that Esther Pennington had sought him out, he wanted to let the truth be known to the current duke—not about his son, but about his father.Theirfather.He’d already sent a note advising the duke of his imminent visit, and this time, he had his wife’s name to add impetus to the call.

Esther had always been a secondary consideration.He’d believed that if she realized who he was, she would go to great lengths to avoid him and the truth.He was very certain he would not see her tomorrow.

“There is another tidbit I dug up,” Sparling said.

“Oh, something sensational, I hope.”

“Remember the story I worked on after the Cato Street trial?Well, I know where John Monument is.I think we could talk to him, as well.He did testify for the Crown but may have been protecting certain unnamed conspirators that provided monetary courage to betray his other accomplices.He was also in the military.”

“Good, good.This is exactly what I need.”

“You really think Sandhurst was involved?”

“I know it.But there are some factors I must clarify, especially his motives and reasons.Sandhurst is crazed in a way normal men are not, and that makes him dangerous to my wife.I need to get it right and that means more information.”

“Are you sure you shouldn’t bring Bow Street into this?They’ll want to know.”

“When was the last time Bow Street brought a duke to justice?Nobles are a law unto themselves.No, it must be someone important, with substantial influence.”

Jack nodded.“Once I arrange the time, I’ll send a messenger.Now you should make your way back home and get some sleep.”

Matthew shook his hand.“Sleep will have to wait until another day.”