“Now, did you ask Mr.Hardy if you could call him Papa?That is the sort of thing one must have permission for, so that you are not seen as rude,” Rose said.
“But he wants to be our papa.I know he does,” Ava answered.
“If you would like to,” Matthew said, “But I beg your pardon, though, if I do not answer right away.That is too new to my ears to change easily.”
“Where are we going?”Ava asked.She got up and crossed the carriage aisle to sit beside Matthew.
“We are going to the Grand Gala Bazaar.I would describe it, but even your mother wouldn’t believe it.”
“A bazaar?”Elaina questioned “Will we see whirling dervishes?”
“Not that kind of bazaar,” he said.“This bazaar is full of merchandise.Interesting things one might want or need to purchase.”
Rose smiled at Matthew, a reoccurring habit she’d developed.She glanced out the window, letting the girls chew at Matthew’s ears for a while.
“I’d like to visit your sister and my mother next week before we go to Crestview,” he said, when the girls showed no further interest in him.
“Whenever you have time.I’m not the one who works twelve hours a day.”
“How is the library project?”he asked.
“Raleigh buzzes around like a bee.I am surprised he hasn’t told you of our advances.”
“I’d like to hear it from you.”
“Frankly, the room is a waste.All that shelving and so few books.The furniture is nice, but it doesn’t belong in such a room.It’s too small.”
“The room?”
“No, the furniture.I’m not sure you are listening.Are you still thinking about yesterday’s schedule?”
“I had a disagreement with a client, but all is well.It is part of the business.About your library, there are always booksellers at the bazaar.You might find something that suits your tastes.”
“No, I want to talk about your ventures.What do you find most interesting?”
The horses clopped along then made a turn before they stopped.
“Ah, here we are!”Matthew said.
“Mama, look at all the people!”Elaina said, her hands gripped the carriage window, allowing her to marvel at the bustle happening on the streets around the bazaar.
“Today is a big market day.”Matthew opened the door and stepped to the cobbles, hauling each of the children out and setting them to their feet.
“Now don’t run off,” Rose said to the girls.Matthew reached for her, and she braced her hands against his shoulders.
“We could run off together,” he said.“And I wouldn’t care where we go.A lake, an ocean, a mountain.A faraway beach.”
“Islington isn’t far enough?”she said, then laughed.“Oh, it’s just an indoor market.”The buildings were teeming with shoppers, there were even outdoor carts with food.The fresh baked bread was the first thing Rose smelled.
“Just?This is justmyindoor market.But to sustain the magic, we must only use the word bazaar.”
“Do you want to know what is reallybazaar?I want to kiss you, here, in front of all these people,” Rose said.
He laughed.“What is stopping you, aside from a very bad pun?”
She pushed to her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“That’s no kiss,” he said.“But I will reserve some time later for a proper one.”