“I’m not done just yet,” Odette replies, coolly.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Three gunshots ring out, and I throw up my hand just in time to shield the fae from what are likely iron-laced bullets. My team rushes forward as supernaturals pour into the room from the hallway. The witch goes down first, her magic useless against the blade sticking out of her chest as she falls. Everything around me slows to a screeching halt.

I throw my hand out, blasting Odette with an orb of violet energy, but she deflects it, sending one my way. It slams into the barrier behind me.

A wolf growls.

I turn.

My father readies for a fight with Harrie, who’s already shifted and is baring sharp teeth at the man who raised me. Fear surges through my body, icing my veins as I continue to fight. Amell reaches for me, but I turn away, moving just out of reach.

“I’m not leaving them!”

I throw up my hand to block a blast from Odette as I move forward, taking hit after hit to my magic as I try to get close enough that I can do what I wanted to on that battlefield and plunge my blade into her heart. I can end it here. Now.

I can save everyone.

But I never see the fae appear behind me.

And when I do, I realize far too late that he’s not a friendly.

Pain pierces my back, exploding through my body like fire in my veins. I stumble.

A hand goes to the back of my hair and yanks my head back.

“Bronywyn!” my father roars.

Something hits me again from behind, and the agony spreads. Odette’s gaze drifts to something over my shoulder, and her enjoyment at the moment dissipates. She yells something that I can’t quite hear over the sound of my own blood hammering in my ears.

The hand gripping my hair releases me, and I fall backward, right onto the hilt of the dagger still in my back.