Ridley appears behind Fearghas and wraps both arms around him.

They vanish.

“Pity. Would have loved getting my hands dirty with his blood.” Sheelin steps back.

“You’re not walking away from him.”

At Delaney’s words, the fae turns around. “What was that?”

“I thought I was pretty damn clear. But since you seem to be rather dense, I’ll repeat myself.” Delaney drops her barrier and steps down. Cole growls and rushes to her side.


“I’m fine,” she interrupts me as she continues moving, stopping only once she is a mere foot from the deadly, would-be fae queen. “You are not walking away from Fearghas next time,” she says, softly. “Eventually, he is going to kill you.”

Sheelin leans forward. “I look forward to the fight, witch. Because once I make him watch me destroy you, I doubt he’ll have much fight left in him.”

“Enough,” Odette announces.

The fae queen grins as she falls back in line with her warriors.

“That’s right! Run back to your master, bitch,” Rainey calls out.

Sheelin snarls in her direction, but the hunter looks less than concerned as she moves forward and leans against the porch post. “If you’re truly here for our surrender, you’re going to be sadly disappointed, I’m afraid.”

“Oh?” Odette questions. “I have an army ready to destroy you right now. If you come with us, your deaths will be relatively quick and painless. I cannot offer you the same should my comrades get their hands on you.”

Rainey straightens and walks down the steps. Her movements are calculated, careful, and I’m impressed as hell at her poise.

That’s Rainey Astor for you, though. Confident until the very end. For good reason, too. Truth be told, no matter the odds, my money would be on her every single time. And if I die at her side, well, I’d consider that one hell of an honor.

“I’m not worried.”

Odette chuckles. “You may be able to fool yourself, hunter, but you would be a true fool to not fear what will happen to you should you decide to stand against us.”

“I’m not worried because I know that we have something none of these assholes you’ve brainwashed do.”

“And what’s that?”

“Conviction,” she says, stopping just below the porch steps. “We are willing to die for what we believe in—are you? I certainly hope that answer is yes, because that is exactly what is going to happen.”

Some of the supernaturals just behind the fae exchange glances.A crack in the armor.

Odette is silent a moment. “Can you not count?”

“Numbers aren’t everything,” Elijah says as he moves down to stand beside his mate. “War is won by those who truly believe in what they’re fighting for. Victory belongs to the strong. And numbers do not equal strength.”

Odette glances to her left, then to her right, a smile on her aged face. “You are fools. Every single one of you.”

“None of us here fear death.” I move down to stand beside Rainey.

“In fact, I rather think you’re going to be surprised by the sheer number of supernaturals who are tired of your overshow of force. Those who don’t want the humans to suffer,” Tarnley joins in.

“Humans are weak. Predictable. Easily manipulated. They are beneath us, and it is well past time they discover that.”

“You’re letting them see us on purpose?” Delaney questions.

She smiles. “The world will belong to us. And there is no one who can stop us now.”