“Which is exactly why you can’t come,” I tell her. “You are too close.”

“And what the hell are you, then?” she snaps. “What was Tarnley when you were dark and he was trying to reason with you?”

“Bronywyn never murdered innocent supernaturals,” Fearghas snaps. He takes a step toward the human, eyes blazing like twin crystals, his subdued fae magic surging to life despite his inability to access it. “Your husband killed my friends. His betrayal led to the death of dozens of supernaturals. I do not suffer betrayal, Paloma.”

She steps right up into Fearghas’s face. “Whatever he’s done, he’s still my husband, and until I see it for my own eyes, I will continue to believe he can be saved.”

“Then you are a fool.”

“You can come,” I tell Paloma, interjecting to hopefully curb any bloodshed. “But if any of us get the chance, we will kill him for what he’s done.”

She swallows hard. “Understood.”

I hold her gaze for a moment longer, hoping she feels the promise behind my words. “Then that’s me, Elijah, Fearghas, Eira, Natalia, Paloma, and my father.”

“Um, excuse me, but what the hell are Cole and me?” Delaney snaps, cheeks reddening. “I may be pregnant, but I’m still capable.”

“You are.” I step forward and reach for both of her hands. “But you’re my best friend, Delaney, and that baby you’re carrying could very well be the future for our kind. There’s no way in hell I’m willing to risk you both.”

“I’m going in with you.” We turn just as Willa walks in. “Pretty damn glad for my hearing, or I likely would have been left behind.”

“Willa, your pack alpha, you can’t be putting yourself at risk this way.”

“I’m not sitting it out. I sat out last time. Never again. This is my fight, too. Z can lead the pack if something happens to me.”


“Not up for negotiation.”

“I’m going, too.” Walker strolls in behind her, though he doesn’t spare the alpha shifter even a single glance.

“What is this, eavesdrop central?”

He taps a finger to his temple. “Psychic, remember?”

“And yet, you can’t tell us where they are,” Fearghas interjects. “An excellent superpower you have.”

Walker visibly winces at Fearghas’s words, but he recovers quickly, his cheeks flushing in anger. “That’s my partner they have,” he snaps. “I get that I came into this group late, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care just as damn much as you do—and I wish like hell my abilities worked differently, but the fact is they don’t. I have no control over what I see, what I sense, or what I feel.” He glances at all of us, gaze lingering briefly on Willa.

A muscle in the fae’s jaw twitches, but after a moment, he nods. “Fine. But you’re still injured.”

“I can pull a trigger, and I’m a damn good shot,” he retorts.

“That makes eight of us. Can Ridley do it?” I ask Fearghas.

“Should be able to, but we’re going to take Sarah, as well. She was the fae assigned to my team.”

“Fine. We leave Gloria and Amell here to help get everyone out if things go sideways here while we’re gone.”

“Sounds like a plan. When are we going?”

“A soon as we gather our weapons. Might be a good idea to have the others head into the city. That way they’re close by if shit goes sideways.”

“An army waiting in the wings,” Fearghas replies. “Perfect idea. I will go let Ridley know his services will be needed.”

“No. I’ll handle Ridley. I need you to prepare the others outside. Have them leave as soon as possible. That way they’ll be close by when we go in.”

Fearghas arches an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to deal with him?”

“I think it should be me.”

“I’ll fill Elijah in,” Delaney offers. “I think he’s out on perimeter watch with Cole.”

“Great, thanks.” With a sigh, I head for the door then glance back at Paloma. She looks completely defeated with her slumped shoulders and swollen eyes. For her sake, I hope she can get through to her husband, but I also suffer no false pretenses that any of us will let him walk, even if she does.

As far as I’m concerned, he’s a dead man living on borrowed time.