The fighting ahead splits, and Odette comes into view in front of me. “Odette,” I snarl.

White suit covered in dirt and splattered blood, she looks nothing like the prim and proper councilwoman she’s been fighting to portray. Her hair is disheveled, sticking up in random places around her head.

“You’re all going to die!” she screams as she rushes forward. I’m forced to drop Fearghas and throw up both hands to block an energy blast. Hit after hit, she whirls them at me, clearly having used a hell of a lot less magic than I have at this point.

My good shoulder burns as one misses my shield and slams into me. I raise my hand and whirl my own energy ball at her. She deflects, but I, too, keep going. One after the other, I force her onto the defensive so I can get close enough to drive my blade into her heart.

“Bronywyn! Watch out!” Fearghas’s warning is drowned out—barely audible—and by the time I glance back, a massive body is slamming into me, pinning me against something solid at my back.

So much pain.

My lungs burn beneath the crushing weight.

The light around me disappears.

And then I can hear nothing.