“I get it. Dismissed.” She throws up both hands. “Come see me before you leave?”

“Will do.”

I watch her leave, wondering why I’d felt the need to leave this world in the first place. And then, Taranus opens his fucking mouth, and I’m reminded.

“Funny how you only show up when you need something.”

I glare at him. “This conversation has nothing to do with you. You can leave.”

“I’m a part of this family and this rebellion—unlike you.” He crosses his arms.

“Taranus,” Rafferty warns. “I’ll let you know if I need you.”

Taranus glares at Rafferty, then at me, as I don’t even bother to hide my smile. “See you later, baby brother.”

He stomps from the tent, attitude in every single step. A toddler throwing a temper tantrum since the day he was born. Shit, spawned is more like it. The fucker was never an innocent child, and the fact that Rafferty tolerates his presence is something I will never fully understand.

“I swear, he might as well still be a tot,” I say as I move further into the tent.

“Why are you here?” Rafferty leans back against his wooden table. “More root?” Never one to waste time, Rafferty doesn’t bother with pleasantries.

“The city of Billings is under siege by the supernatural councils and their armies.”

“Aren’t the councils supposed to keep the peace?”

“They are. But as you well know, sometimes those in charge are the least trustworthy.”

“Isn’t that the damned truth.” Rafferty runs a hand over the back of his neck. “You mentioned an army, so I’m assuming you’re here for help?”

“We are preparing to go against the councils, to remove them and build a new one with a fae representative and a hunter representative, as well.”

“And you need me to send bodies back with you?”

“If you can spare. We need a way to get everyone out if things go sour. And as much as I wish I did, I don’t have the power alone to take care of everyone all at once. Not when we’re bound to have additional fighters with us.”

“You do realize that I’m in the middle of my own war, don’t you?”

“Sheelin has close ties with the council,” I remind him. It’s a low blow; I know that much since the likelihood of her actually coming back with Lucy dead is low. But I’m not above begging, not for the bastards back in Billings. I just hope they never find out if I have to hit my knees and do just that.

I doubt I’ll ever live it down.

“Sheelin is pretty well occupied with destroying my people.” Rafferty, being the intelligent fucker he is, doesn’t bite. “Though I won’t have the human world torn apart by supernaturals, either. You may take whoever chooses to go with you—no more than ten, though. My numbers are thinning.”

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Rafferty nods. “I am grateful to see you so driven, brother. It has been a while since you cared for anyone as you do these people.”

My heart aches because I know he’s referring to the event that had me fleeing this fucking world and shielding my once open heart. One can only take so much pain, though, and watching my sister murdered did me in. “Let’s keep that between us. I can’t have my reputation tarnished should people realize that I do, in fact, have a heart.”

Rafferty chuckles. “Deal. Let me know who goes with you. And please, be safe.”

“I will.” I start to turn away, but pause and face my older brother. We never were particularly close. He was always so serious, and once Rose died, I couldn’t be bothered to care. But now, after spending time in Billings, I understand his need to keep the people of this world safe. And I respect the hell out of him for it. “I miss you, Raffe. Just want you to know that.”

Rafferty smiles. “I miss you, too, brother. Don’t die.”

“Not planning on it.” I turn on my heel and head out. The second I’m through the doorway of Rafferty’s tent, Flora is stepping into my path. The sun shines down brightly, though not too hot and not too cold. Nowhere has weather quite like Faerie.

“Get what you need?” she asks, falling into step beside me.