One by one, we open them all until we finally reach the last one. He rips the lid off, and we stare down as light from the solar lights overhead hits two bodies curled at the bottom.

“Rainey!” Elijah calls down.

Neither she nor Tarnley responds.

“Back up.” I swallow hard as I close my eyes and summon the rest of the energy left in me. Aiming the power downward, I create a shield beneath them and slowly, steadily, raise them to the surface.

It takes mere seconds, but those heartbeats might as well have been hours before Elijah is gripping them and pulling them to the ground.

After dropping the magic, I fall to the dirt beside Tarnley and pull him into my lap. “Wake up, please.”

Rainey coughs.

“Fuck, Rainey.”


“Yes, love, I’m here.”

“‘Bout damned time,” she chokes out. “Tarnley?”

I hold my breath as I wait for him to wake up. “Wake up, you stubborn ass.”

“Is that any way to talk to someone who nearly died?” he asks as he cracks an eye open.

My smile is instant, even as my eyes fill with tears. “You asshole!”

He chuckles, and I pull him closer, pinning him to my chest.

Rainey takes a deep breath and pushes to her feet, her hunter blood already healing her oxygen-deprived body. “Now, where’s Harrie so I can kill him.”

“Already dead,” Elijah says.

The hunter purses her lips. “Odette?”

“Dead,” I answer.

“Shit. Did you guys save anyone for me to kill?”

“Supernaturals are currently waging war against Billings,” Willa answers.

Rainey turns to her. “You’re naked.”

“Your near-death experience has made you rather observant.”

Tarnley pulls away from me and sits up, slowly getting to his feet. “Let’s go finish this fucking fight.”

“Are you—”

“We’re fine,” Rainey interrupts me. “Already healing.”

“Okay.” I pull out my phone and fire off a text to Elijah’s number. A few moments later, Sarah appears. She tosses Elijah his cell, and he pockets it. “How bad is it?”

“Bad,” she replies, and holds out her arms. “We need you.”

We all place a hand on her arm, and I glance to Tarnley. “Don’t die. I just got you back.”

“No plans to.” He smiles down at me then presses his lips to mine as we disappear.